
Drumroll please…..We went for a walk on Wednesday! Our first together since December 14th. How cute are my walking companions, by the way? The hubster looking handsome in a new coat (his old one so well loved that it ripped right apart), and Juniper Beaulah – eyes closed to the warmth of the sun. As for me, I am not quite footloose and fancy free, but I did make it all the way around the block, so footloose-ish. With a bit of luck and continued healing, I may just be able to walk without a gimp and in anĀ actual shoe after January 24th. Fingers crossed!

Also, my apologies if you came here thinking I was going to have photos of Kevin Bacon in one of my least favorite movies OF ALL TIME. Ugh. Sorry 80s fans. You can’t win ’em all.

This beautiful sight was my reward. A rain storm rolling on in, which is kind of wacky for Colorado in January and made me totally nostalgic for Portland. I do miss me some winter rain. Quite a lot, actually.

Rain soaked streets on our way to a fabulous dinner with friends at Pho Brothers. Good grief, do I love that place!

Happy Friday!