Mad Men

Not having cable, and perhaps, being generally behind the times (in a good way), the hubster and I have only recently discovered the merits of Mad Men.  I heard a great interview with Jon Hamm and Matthew Weiner on Fresh Air with Terry Gross (she is awesome, by the way) that convinced me to move the videos to the top of our Netflix queue.  Boy, am I ever glad I did.

We just finished the first season (no spoilers if you’ve seen more!) on Wednesday and hope we receive the first of season two for our weekend viewing pleasure.  This is such a terrific show, one that we love watching together.  We both love settling in for the evening, as we can’t just watch one, ready to be dazzled, flummoxed, and delighted (especially by the fashion).  Though we are quite late to the party, it’s great to finally have arrived.

The video is a little Saturday Night Live bit Bridget told me about – fun and ever so true!


  1. Colleen’s avatar

    Yes – good and odd! We can’t wait to be caught up as well – the show is so addictive.

  2. Colleen’s avatar

    oh I love Mad Men! I have watched it from the beginning. Can’t wait for you to catch up on all the seasons. It is just so good… and odd :)

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