Life List

I’ve thought about writing a list like this for a long time yet always worried that it meant that what I’m doing right now is lacking in merit.  A shift occurred, however, when I had that moment of realization that there is no THERE without HERE.  The future doesn’t exist without today.  So thank you, Andrea at Superhero Journal, for inspiring me to voice my dreams to the world.

1. Be a successfully published novelist.

2. Win an award for my work.

3. Be interviewed by Tavis, Terry, and Charlie.

4. Be paid handsomely for work that I love.

4. Visit Cambodia and India.

5. Really know America.

6. Be financially independent.

7. Master the Yoga Shakti DVD and meet Shiva Rea.

8. Love myself, inside and out (and tell my thirteen year old self,  “It’s okay”).



  1. Lori’s avatar

    Great list! It will happen!

  2. Rena’s avatar

    Love your life list! Totally do-able.

    I just got Shakti in the mail today. Can’t wait to start!

  3. Mom’s avatar

    I love your positive approach. The worst that can happen isn’t failing, it’s never having tried. And, one thing is certain, we cannot achieve without ambition. Positive words from Sara Ban Breathnach. You’ve got it. You’ve done it. It will happen!!
    Love the pic of you and Mitzi…. she was a sweetie.

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