Raleigh II

Welcome to Raleigh part deux one day late! It’s been a busy week. Anyhoo, we spied many a cool mural during our stay, and the BRIGGS is a loving nod to Great Grandpa Howard’s namesake. Sweet!

all broken up

Deco delight located near a fab store of the same name. They got A LOT of my money. I got A LOT of good stuff.

Transfer Co. – another cool food hall!

also my fave Beastie Boys album…

The Station had the best pork belly banh-mi EVER and a the cutest beer (tasty, too!) that reminded us of our sweet Juniper. Just in case you were wondering, she stayed home for our travels, which was a little scary for her, despite being safe at our house in the great care of our friend Bebe. I have never had such a welcome home! She barked and jumped and spun in delight (and relief, prolly) upon my arrival.

Two Roosters – roasted strawberry and honey was my flavor choice – YOWZA!

William Peace University – originally a Women’s College

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper (possibly distantly related to the hubster!) lives here. That roof!