Well, except the tub. I cannot recall, at this moment, if I have ever professed my love for our bathtub. Like Mary Poppins, it is practically perfect in every way. Deep, long, and with that slope at the back for leisurely afternoons and pruned skin. Heaven!
The rest, however, no thanks. We’ve lived in this house for thirteen years, and I have never liked it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good size and fully functional, but it’s so not me. I’ve done my best with it, sure, but never thought, “Ooh, isn’t it lovely!” So I waited and waited while more pressing projects grabbed our savings, but now the time has come. Demolition starts on Wednesday or Thursday! If I disappear for a bit, that’s why. I’ve been sucked into a bathroom remodel vortex: painting, decorating, creating, and very likely sweeping up a myriad of dust. Wish me well…