Hello Monday.
It was a terrific weekend here. One of those lovelies filled with everything and nothing: looking at electric pianos (we’re both going to learn), riding bikes to a pizza place we hadn’t tried before (Dove Vivi – very good), washing clothes, doing chores, lolling about the house reading Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse. Good golly miss molly! Normally I am a one book at a time kind of reader, zipping straight through, but I just can’t do it with her. The text is so dense. After about ten pages, I have to switch to something else (it was Astrid and Veronika, but now I’ve finished that and need something else, something breezy and light) out of fear of literary overload. It is a good book though, the characters and story so rich and full of everything: life, sorrow, joy, art, nature, food...
The hubster’s birthday is Wednesday, another year more handsome and wonderful, I say! The photo represents his birthday dinner a few days early, a slow sunny Sunday spent in the kitchen. I felt of another era: barefoot, singing, with a messy apron tied tightly about my middle. I made lemonade, barbecue sauce, marinated and slow roasted ribs (boneless – no mess!), boiled and dressed potatoes, too. Talk about the epitome of summer! We followed all of this with chocolate cupcakes, of course, because it certainly wouldn’t be a Gregory Cooper birthday celebration without something chocolate, no way, no how. For some reason I didn’t take a picture of them, but I assure you of their goodness. Anything for my sweetie. He works so hard and is essential to what makes my life the glorious one that it is. I love you, Buddy.
I also played with my watercolors a little, making waves and trees that I’ll scan for your viewing pleasure one of these days. I am definitely growing more confident with a brush. I’m also thinking about another quilt, one for the guest room. I’ve got a stack of pink and green fabrics that I think would be rather nice together.
Oh, and Lori – don’t fret about the quilt making! Just do it, seriously, start wherever you like. I am a wonky sewer, too. My seams never seem to be very straight, and I always mess something up. Oops is a favorite word of mine! As a matter of fact, after thinking I did a pretty good job of sewing on my binding, I learned that I did it wrong. Next time I’ll go straight to the You Tube before reading a description over and over again and thinking, “Yah, I know what I’m doing.” It looks good, at least, certainly not professional, but good.
There you have it, another weekend in Portland Paradise. Be well, everyone.
Happy Happy Birth Birth Day Day Greg Greg!!
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