I believe it is the Shakers that have the saying, “Own nothing that is neither beautiful nor useful.” I would like to make an addendum to that: Or doesn’t have a wonderful story behind it. I love how nearly every object in my home has a story. Walk around each room and I will tell you about when we took a photograph, or the fun day we had when I bought a particular trinket, painting, or piece of furniture.
Take this glass. Isn’t it pretty? Many of you have already seen it as it adorns our front door, and for those of you who haven’t, welcome! As you can see, the opening is rather large, and I never liked the idea of total strangers, or even people I do know being able to look right into the house when I have the door closed.
So, for many years, I had some maple leaves I collected ironed between two sheets of wax paper and scotch taped to the glass. Oh yes, very classy! Finally, after knowing there had to be a better way, my friend Sarah took me to Kurumi’s, a local glass artist, and I made this, as well as some sun catchers and necklaces, in her studio. Then the hubster installed it to perfection.
I love it! The flowers are like poppies, one of my favorites! As well, it lets in light rather gorgeously and has the little cutout for a peep hole, so I can eye you before deciding whether or not to open the door. I usually do; stop by and see for yourself…
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