Ahh, another deeply satisfying Facebook reunion. I’ve known Gretchen since elementary school, and for anyone interested in the math – that’s more than thirty years! She came into town on Monday for a business trip, and we were lucky enough to eat lunch and spend the afternoon together. It was a whirlwind of Porque Non?!, VooDoo Donuts, and Northwest 23rd, including the least welcoming greeting from a fella who’d had one too many, or perhaps, not quite enough.
I’ll admit that I was a little nervous about our visit. Gretchen and I had always been on the periphery of each other’s lives. We knew the same people, but ran in different circles – she was a cheerleader, played softball, and sang in choir. I wasn’t terribly athletic, only sang in the car, and had, let’s just say, slightly less mainstream pursuits. What might we talk about besides the weather and beautiful Portland, Oregon?
I turns out, a lot, and the conversation came so easily, too. In fact, we talked (and laughed) so much that my throat is still sore. Of course we reminisced about all the people from school, but the highlight, at least for me, was really learning about Gretchen as a person. She’s had her share of heartaches in the years since high school, but in no way have they diminished her intelligence, empathy, caring, or passion for life. I had always thought she was pretty, but now, I know she’s beautiful, inside and out. I’m really looking forward to our next thirty years of friendship!