I’ve got good news friends! I am back in the world of exercise! Yay! And I’m not afraid to show my enthusiasm via exclamation points! There’s four in a row, eek. Okay, I’m calm now. Yes, today was the first day I ventured back to the community center to work out with weights and attend my favorite Nia class, not to mention seeing my old work out pals – so very nice. After being reassured by my doctor yesterday that I would not hurt myself if I was sensible and listened to my body, I was raring to go. I halved my pre-surgery workout before Nia and felt really good, certainly a bit weaker, but nine weeks without it will do that. Unfortunately, Nia class was canceled, so I went ahead with the Cardio Pilates they substituted. It’s certainly no Nia, but it was fine in it’s own right. I was able to keep up the pace without feeling like I was going to die and had a good time, too. Major progress while I inch back to a new normal. Phew!
In other news, here are more photos snapped while in Colorado, more specifically, Boulder and, even better, while the G-Man was still with me. It was a beautiful afternoon on the Pearl Street Mall.
Though there aren’t many in the photos, there were lots of people on hand, the diverse mix that is ever so Boulder. Pictured above is one of our favorite Mexican restaurants ever, Juanita’s, at the west end, beyond the majority of the chaos. We haven’t been in a while and didn’t even go that day, as I had a hankering for Pad Kee Mao, but it does look just the same. There is always comfort in that.
We also walked the neighborhood surrounding Pearl for a bit and encountered this lovely wall. I am a sucker for fine masonry and this handsome fella.
This church is no longer a church but either residences or an architecture firm. My memory fails to recall which. I love when buildings that have outlived their use aren’t torn down, especially when they are this pretty. This reminds me, there was a church on the Auraria Campus in Denver that was converted into an art gallery. I used to love to visit it. Having a great reverence for art, it was magnified in such a special space.
Away we go – I snapped this as we were driving back to Denver. Bye, bye Boulder, see you next time!