Very cold and uninspired today, so I am resorting to my favorite page in Vanity Fair, the very last, or first, in my case. Have I ever told you that I read magazines back to front? It’s probably because I am a left-handed deviant.
Perfect Happiness: Being warm, but not hot, while doing exactly what I please. The hubster is nearby doing the same.
Greatest Fear: Unrecognized talent.
Most Admired: Anyone unafraid to live the truth.
My Most deplored trait: Spiteful.
Most deplored trait in others: Insecurity. It colors everything.
The Most Overrated Virtue: Honor.
What do I dislike most about my appearance? My toes.
What living person do I most despise? Myself, though I’m getting better.
Words or phrases I most overuse: You know?
Greatest Regret: Not loving myself sooner.
Greatest Love of My Life: Gregory Spencer Cooper
Happiest Time: Right Now.
Talent would I most like to have: To work harder. To be more focused.
Current State of Mind: Pleasant anticipation.
One thing I’d like to change about myself: Lengthen my unpredictable fuse.
One thing I’d like to change about my family: Less insecurity would be nice.
Greatest Achievement: Me
Lowest Depth of Misery? Not believing in one’s worth.
Favorite Occupation: Enjoying life as it is, not as it “should” be.
My Most Marked Characteristic: Desire to improve.
What do I most value in my friends? Ease in their own skin.
Real Life Heroes: RFK, Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Most Dislike: The various incarnations of insecurity. It’s a definite theme for me.
What animal would I come back as? A cormorant – I could swim, fly, and not mind the cold.
How would I like to die? Peacefully.
What is your motto? Be yourself.