September 2012

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Once, in high school, I was at the Target at 80th and Wadsworth with a friend, walking in the parking lot, and I felt such a giant surge of joy that I wanted to take her hand, to squeeze it in mine, and look into her eyes and say, “I am so happy right now. Happy to be alive. Happy to be here, in this parking lot, with YOU.” But I didn’t. I was afraid somehow. That she wouldn’t like it. That it would embarrass her or me.

Now that I’m grown, I’d do it in a heartbeat, shazam.

I love my friends. The one who shares my bed. The ones that purr. The one who tells me I am awesome. The one who paints me pictures. The one who remains silent on a triple-dog-dare. The one who is four. The ones who bought my book. The ones who didn’t.

I am greedy for them. Greedy for their voices. Greedy for their hugs. Greedy for their laughter. Greedy for their smiles. Greedy for their wit. Greedy for it all and to give everything I’ve got right back. I think it’s the way to be. I really and truly do.

p.s. – the water was frigid.



We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.

Ray Bradbury


This that is ancient and changed

boulders vanishing

washed and washed

to nothing.

Hermits en masse


supporting legions.

Bird without a feather

stones that cling to life

bodies without souls.



borrowed and used



Cradled in icy violence

to thrive.

She & Him


washed and washed

into the groove of another


smooth and yielding.

Eyes of sky

flaxen hair

hands that twine

soulful bodies.



shared and cherished

together still.

Cradled in sanctity

to thrive.

Like the sea.

Colleen Sohn

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These fleshy sensoria which we call self are ephemera withering in the blaze of infinity…

Frank Herbert


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