May 20, 2013

You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 20, 2013.

I don’t know what my life would be without The Doors, some cavernous gaping void aching to be filled, most likely. A lifetime of memories of and with my Dad, and countless hours listening and singing and dancing along on my own. A wild, crazy love borne in the womb.

So it is with great sadness that I bid adieu to Ray Manzarek, keyboardist extraordinaire.

Break on through, Ray, and say hello to Jim.

photograph by Michael Ochs


We ventured to Eugene yesterday for the Mt. Pisgah Arboretum Wildflower Festival. It was a sweet affair, with booths for selling treats of the edible, garden, and treasure variety. We ate and drank, bought some gifts, and walked the paths to spy as many varieties of wildflower as we could. We saw fourteen in the wild and countless others on educational display, which I wish I had looked at before hiking around, so I would not have gotten quite so close to the poison oak. Thankfully this silly goose only touched the flowers!

That’s Camas pictured above

Columbian Larkspur

This tree was more than 400 years old when it met its demise. The hubster is 6’1″ for reference – the awe of creation!

The Oak Savannah

Wild Hyacinth

Tiny and yellow – I wish I knew the name.

Oregon Iris

Siberian Candyflower

Bracken Fern Fiddleheads

Wild Yellow Pea


Crab Spider on a Daisy

The hubster teased me for defying the principles of the Prime Directive by knocking the spider off the blossom. Anything for the bees…



Cow Parsnip

Straight Beaked Buttercup

Red Columbine

