March 2014

You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2014.

Leftover roasted green beans and homemade pizza.

The hubster says the pizza is the best in town. I agree.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cake. I added dried cherries and a cherry frosting. Also pretty great.

Crazy light during a pouring rain. There has been much of this!

William Temple House

in rainbows

Walking the labyrinth with some of my best pals. Hi Bert’s shoes! Hullo lovely Lori! And the hubster sallied too, of course, he is the best of the best.

Korean Spice Viburnum

Non sequitur:

Head over to Yardsss Bandcamp website and have a listen to Foma 3 or the whole shebang if you have the time.

It is most Excellent!


 Oh, this weather! One minute wild with giant drops and the next the brightest golden light a flutter of a kiss on cheek and leaf and bloom. Spring!

Happy nodding blossoms and sprouts sending me and the bees swooning in the garden:

 red flowering currant

though I find the majority of the blooms decidedly pink


yellow flowering currant


wild strawberry


neither a bloom nor a sprout, but lovely still – a decaying winter sweet seed pod





An awake heart is like a sky that pours light.




Happy Friday! Apropos of nothing, indeed. Look at this crazy beautiful light in the living room. I am loving the long afternoons and genuine sunsets as of late.

A most impressive front yard display!

Goofing around…

…making apple crisps with my new Japanese Mandoline. Why didn’t I get one of these sooner?



Have a super weekend…


…sounds of life and movement, people getting ready and people giving up, the sound of hope and the sound of hanging on, and behind them all, the quiet, deadly ticking of a thousand hungry clocks…

Hunter S. Thompson


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