May 6, 2014

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A Rambler American, circa 1964-1965. Isn’t it a beauty?

I love poppy season!

We watched the Winter Hawks beat Edmonton in the first game of the WHL Finals on Saturday. Good golly are they a terrific team! We parked far a way because we are cheap skates and love walking, a match made in heaven. It just so happened to be dry as we ambled and I got these terrific shots in the Lloyd District. As Ray Charles most brilliantly sang, “The night time is the right time…”

Detail of “Rendezvous” by Dane Eisenbart, one of many gorgeously meticulous and highly imaginative pieces currently on display at the Albina Press, where I enjoyed this week’s decaf latte. The hubster had a cappucino. All was right with the world.

Whatever you say, man.

Portland isn’t called the City of Roses for nothing.

One of the best garden borders, ever!

The hubster used the force to find this sign. It is strong in him.

Oh man, this city! Sometimes, when it is rainy, rainy, rainy, and the hubster’s underpants are sopping wet from the bike commute home, we contemplate other places. Dry and sunny, hot, hot, hot! But that’s only impetuous anger. We love this place. It is wildness and humor and the best damn food anywhere on earth, wrapped up in a blanket of green and grey. Everything I want is here, except for the sun for the occasional L O O O N G stretch, but that only makes it more beautiful and warm when it IS here, and sends my body out with infinite gratitude to meet it. Splendid!
