Holla! Happy Tuesday from Pittsburgh’s North Side. When I visited to house hunt, I stayed, for the very first time, at an airbnb. The hubster and I are old hats at renting vacation houses and apartments, preferring to see a place as the locals do, but we’d never ever considered renting a room in a home while the owner was present. That’s weird. Well, peeps, it pays to branch out, because Jonathan (pictured on the left with his boyfriend Andrew) became my first friend in Pittsburgh! He is a true man about town, knows this city better than anyone I know, and is a terrific person, all around. We met for dinner at the Monterey Pub (the place we first ate together – we’ll always have the Monterey, Jonathan!), had drinks at Andrew’s, and topped off the evening with Banjo Night at the Elk’s Lodge. We did not win the 50-50 raffle but hit the jackpot with a celebrity sighting of Ewan McGregor! Fun!

Heinz Hall

The Grand Concourse
A city of well preserved architectural gems,

sharp angles,

super cool murals,

war memorials,

and staircases!