When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. – Maya Angelou
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. – Unknown
I am learning, both the potency and urgency of these quotations. A little late in the game, maybe. Maybe right on time. Either way, I’m ready. Ready to have relationships that nourish rather than drain. That uplift rather than crush. That embrace rather than judge.
I am paying C A R E F U L attention. I am listening. Hearing all of your words. Observing all of your actions.
It used to be that I brushed aside small criticisms of my person. Large criticisms, too. Slights. I made excuses. I didn’t believe, without articulating it as such, that I deserved better. That I deserved kindness and respect. That others were more important than me, my thoughts, my feelings.
Times have changed. Show me who you are, and I will believe you NOW, the first time. For some, it may be the 100th. But it will be the last.
These words, seen so clearly, seem a bit harsh to my eyes. But when I look back on the hurts and failed relationships of my past, where I was disrespected and unappreciated, I know I need their simplicity, their clarity.
I’m ready for all the goodness and light I deserve.
See you on the other side. Or maybe not…