Be happy.
It’s one way of being wise.
You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2020.
Be happy.
It’s one way of being wise.
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With a quiet flourish the aspen and chokecherry are alive with leaves shiny and new. Such a joy in these still strange times.
We are making our way, and even venturing out once for fast food, waiting and waiting in the parking lot. Then so rattled and paranoid when we arrived home that it was hardly worth it. Our food tepid and milk shake melted by the time we were actually able to eat. Oh well, we tried.
But, oh! Lilacs and wildflowers are blossoming and scenting the neighborhood with hope.
Our home cooking and baking continues to satisfy to the utmost, making little sausages heady with garlic and paprika, more fabulous hummus, and way too many sweets. Peanut butter cookies, strawberry lemonade cake, chocolate sandwich cookies all this week. Eeek! Oh, and a batch of strawberry rhubarb jam. Tis the season.
Hope you are hanging in there, healthy and happy and safe.