Hi there! Way back in January, when the global pandemic was not even an inkling of a possibility in my mind, I laid plans for another birthday celebration in Taos. As the day grew closer, Greg and I fretted over whether or not we should go, not wanting to be at risk or put others in harm’s way with our travel. I am pleased to report all went smoothly, distances were kept, and masks were worn in all the appropriate places – by us and others. Best of all, the trip soothed like a balm.
A highlight – we made all of our meals in our rental’s kitchen, stocking up at our favorite grocer and bringing much of our own fare from home, which is a long prelude to this bit of excitement: I smoked trout! It was fabulous with salad and purple potatoes and as delightful as store bought at a fraction of the price. Toot, toot, toot the horns of glee!