Hello! Welcome to our garden in full flower. With an abundance of rain and sun blessing our little parcel of land, we’ve had massive, jungle-like growth. A tad over the top, to be sure, but I’m delighted to keep the zooming insect bellies full (note the three bees on the fern bush!). We also had three pretty nasty hail storms; one so extensive it looked like snow on the ground for several hours afterwards, oof. As you can imagine, I am even more pleased my flowering friends are doing so well. A tale of resilience, absolutely.
The surgery to remove my gallbladder is scheduled, huzzah! It is a few weeks from now, which feels wonderful and right on time, as my various intestinal woes are on the increase. My surgeon is youthful and seems quite confident, competent, and thorough. That said, if you could send your good thoughts along, I would sure appreciate them!