June 25, 2024

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Happiest of traveling companions!

Unlike the previous cities of Memphis, Chattanooga, and Nashville, where there was so much we had in mind to eat and see and do, when planning Oklahoma, I wanted rest. I wanted languor. I wanted quiet.

Boy howdy, did we find it in Medicine Park.

We read on the bed and Piggly Wiggly pillowed book nook. We took the short drive into town and strolled along turtle filled Medicine Creek, ate salads, Korean tacos, and fried pies, gulped iced tea and sipped slushy drinks. We wandered and snacked on wild plums.

In the early bright of morning, we hiked (in a new hat and t-shirt!), up and up, both to spy yonder vistas and chase the wild flowers whose blooms lured us along.

And then, oh, to descend into the respite of cool shade.
