October 26, 2024

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New Shoes

I got new shoes! I’ve loved loafers the whole of my life and have had a veritable rainbow over the years, but never this shade of green, so there you go. They are Solovairs should you have any interest in the same. I get no graft if you make a purchase, just the pleasure of knowing you made a great decision.

Fall colors continue to dazzle in the back garden. Enjoy…

Also back garden related, before the first frost, Greg picked the last of the peppers and tomatoes, mostly green, some red. We made more cowboy candy with the peppers, me slicing, Greg preserving, and, thankfully, they are not nearly as spicy as the last lot. There were quite a few tomatoes, so I did some interweb searches for ideas. First, I decided on a green tomato chutney, for which I am waiting on organic golden raisins, so I’ll let you know about that later.

This ugly concoction is a marmalade gotten from the New York Times. I thoroughly perused the comments and determined an additional lemon was key to flavor. Sweet baby Jesus, this stuff is delicious! Should we be lucky enough to have another nice haul of tomatoes next year, I will make it again, most definitely, with one change. It called for thin lemon slices, but I’d prefer them quartered, as there would be a more even distribution of flavor and easier to manage with the spoon. Done and done.