Hello from a couple of nerdy introverts celebrating thirty-four years since our first date! We took full advantage of Superbowlers watching football, went out on the town in the mid-afternoon to little traffic and even fewer people in restaurants. Our view was nice and the food unremarkable, but it was so fun to ponder how this length of time is both magical and quite unreal. We occupy the same bodies, yet we are not the same people! In more ways than I can count, I thank goodness for this. How much more measured, mature, insightful, and strong we have become. How much more in love, in friendship, in goofiness, and laughter. Here’s to thirty-four more, which is not actually impossible (we’d be 87).
I baked a cake to celebrate and lit that candle for our own good favor!
The icing on the cake of our day was a literal float – note Greg’s look of surprise at his buoyancy! We spent an hour in what is probably most akin to a blissful day on the Dead Sea, minus any fear of sunburn, silently bobbing away our worries, aches, and pains. It was weird, as the volume of salt makes it feel a little slimy, and fun because you absolutely do NOT sink. I highly recommend it.