Articles by Colleen

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A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in–what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars.

Victor Hugo


All the blooms to greet me yesterday morning and some greens, too. Not every beauty is a blossom. How I love this space and this patch of earth that is ours, no strings, save those attached within our hearts. Sometimes, when the city noise rattles uncomfortably beneath my skin, I ponder leaving for more solitude, more quiet, but then I list all that I love – Palmer Park a quick walk, downtown the same time via car, a little longer on the bike, and all our wonderful neighbors and growing things, I know it isn’t terribly likely. How my heartbeat quickens to witness the lodge pole climbing skyward, leaves in a slow motion unfurling, the coming of green, green, green, and every color of the rainbow. Home.

And how I look as I sit mesmerized, t-shirt, ponytail, no frills. An hour spent gazing. wearing my Grandma glasses, as Greg calls them, because I remind him of her when I wear them. A favorite hat, bought in New Mexico, of course. My best canine companion. And that light!!



The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.

John Muir


Happy Birthday to my Mom!!


Griddle cakes, pancakes, hot cakes, flapjacks: why are there four names for grilled batter and only one word for love?

George Carlin


My recipe for pancakes (a form of L O V E ) here….


Hopped on the bus for a trip to the J.C. Raulston Arboretum

Greg’s new favorite tree – a crepe myrtle

Made friends with a bench named JUDY

God bless the jasmine – intoxicating our senses for the whole of our stay.


evergreen dogwood

symphytum x uplandicum

This maple, whose name I fail to recall, leafs out in red!

echinacea pallida

another crepe myrtle and some Oregon grape!

amorphophallus kiusianis

sinningia sellovii

My peonies are only just beginning to bud, while those in Raleigh are in full bloom!

Walked from the arboretum to the North Carolina Museum of Art .

They have a pretty special outdoor sculpture park (the Ann & Jim Goodnight). This first bit of whirligig fun Wind Machine is by Vollis Simpson.


No Fuss

Mark di Sivero

Ernest and Ruth

Hank Willis Thomas


Thomas Sayre

Collapse I

Ledelle Moe


I’m inside:

Sculpt C

Jamie Hayon


We A L L do…

Miss Everything

(Unsuppressed Deliverance)

 Amy Sherald

Semi-Reclining Dress Impression with Drapery

Karen LaMonte

Tar Baby vs. St. Saint Sebastian

Michael Richards

(No not that one)


George Warren Rickey

The shadows!


Roxy Paine

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