Articles by Colleen

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Eastern Colorado Electrical Bonanza, May 31st at 5 a.m.


Abundant butterfly weed on the Konza Prairie in Kansas. I’ll admit to a little plant jeaousy, as I have tried growing this both in Oregon and Colorado with zero success.


We took a scenic detour on our way to Kansas City, lush and green and peaceful in its splendor. As a result, we stumbled upon Aggieville Brewing just as the lunchtime rumblies were peaking. They have delicious BBQ, very fine sour beer, and kindly service. Worth a detour, to be sure.

Kansas City – our stay was brief but lovely…

Certainly better than having our touristy plans ruined by rain, but a bit terrifying to drive in, nearly every major day of travel included at least one torrential downpour, several lasting hours. This is the misty final hurrah of our journey to Nashville. Very easy on the eyes…

Yes, definitely.

Hattie B’s Hot Chicken provided two of our most favorite meals in Tennessee, once in Nashville, the other in Memphis. Chicken perfection! Baked beans and grits and pimento mac and cheese! Banana pudding!

I have always wondered how people in the South tolerated the punishing humidity. Despite our trip being rather pleasant, all things considered, I did learn a valuable bit of intel on the matter. The more sultry, the better a slushy drink satisfies. As a result, I enjoyed a veritable rainbow, virgin and heady with booze. Highly recommended!

Suffragette City

Nashville Parthenon

Vanderbilt University

Yes, ma’am!!

I bought a hat here…

Hawkers Asian Street Food was a culinary and visual highlight. As we were in the South, of course we had more fried chicken, this time in a steamed bun. Gah, so good! Equally good vibes and friendly folk.

It’s Pride Month, y’all! Happy, happy…

Since Nashville is all about music and honky-tonkin’, we made certain to get our fill. This is Dylan Smucker and Friends (friend?) on stage. I just have to say, WOW. How lucky the people of Nashville are to have such fabulous music available literally every day.

This was at Jane’s Hideaway, in East Nashville, another terrific spot for a cocktail, appetizers, and really great service.

Even the losers get lucky sometimes…

South Broadway in Downtown Nashville is THE spot for Honky Tonks, so for the loud and crowd averse like us, we made the bright decision to arrive before the madness of nightfall, despite my love for full regalia neon.

Even at this early hour, the sidewalks were chockablock with jostling bodies, many already liquored up and ready to roll. We strolled up and down, ears peeled for the best voice and guitar and found it with Smitty and the Quick Triggers at Rippy’s. What a diversity of sound and songs, the Beatles to Lynyrd Skynyrd, with a sprinkling of fine original tunes. We stayed a long while and were quite impressed. My goodness, the talent in this town!



Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.

Ralph Waldo Emerson



We should always endeavor to wonder at the permanent thing, not at the mere exception. We should be startled by the sun, and not by the eclipse. We should wonder less at the earthquake, and wonder more at the earth.

G.K. Chesterton


indian paintbrush




loco weed


the flowers are about the size of a pin head!

wild garlic

sand lily



spider wort



loco weed

Greetings, fellow flower lover (I hope). This is a week’s worth of morning stroll blooms, which is pretty darn spectacular in my humble opinion. Just think, nature makes these for everyone to admire!

I have identified all that I know off the top of my head, but don’t quote me on them! Happy day…



People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don’t find myself saying, “Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner.” I don’t try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.

Carl R. Rogers


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