Articles by Colleen

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Hi All! Damn. Pike’s Peak – Tabeguache to the original inhabitants – just gives and gives, doesn’t it? I love the clouds! The way they nestle in close, like friends and lovers nuzzling for a bit of sweet respite.

How have you been? All is well here, delightfully strolling along in our usual ways. Enjoying simple pleasures. I found more church records for my New Mexico roots; Greg got a new coat (in black) after the zipper in his last went kaput. Pockets, pockets, and more pockets! Cooking and baking galore, despite not having taken a photo in a while. We raked up the most gigantic pile of leaves last weekend under the sunniest of skies, and will again soon, which ought to be the end of them. The compost thanks us!

I could not be more pleased about the outcome of the election, especially that so VERY many people voted! The most in our nation’s history, which sure sent my heart singing. We care about this place, America! YAY us!

We’ll be keeping isolated for Thanksgiving, with the usual suspects on the dinner table. No surprise there, I think. A definite surprise for subscribers to the blog was the fact that I fixed a glitch which actually started sending reminders out again. I hadn’t noticed that it wasn’t working until someone new came along (Hi Bobbie!) and asked. Things slip by.

Stay well and healthy…


Don’t be afraid of being wrong. Because being wrong is just an opportunity to find more of the truth.

Annie Duke

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Love is never a fulfillment. Life is never a thing of continuous bliss. There is no paradise. Fight and laugh and feel bitter and feel bliss: and fight again. Fight, fight. That is life.

D.H. Lawrence

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Our Lady of Sorrows – Arroyo Hondo

Just yesterday, I found my Great Grandma Maria Donaciana’s baptismal record from this very church! She was born in Des Montes, Arroyo Hondo on June 10th 1852. Another Gemini!

Go ahead, tell me…
Lucero & Vallecitos…
Pueblo Peak
Sunrise and moon set
West from Arroyo Seco
The view from New Mexico to Colorado – the Sangre de Christos chain of the Rocky Mountains, with Little Bear, Blanca Peak and Mt. Lindsey the closest.
Rough Mountain & Mt. Mestas – the icing on top of a beautiful landscape
Rough Mountain & Mt. Mestas – getting closer
Spanish Peaks
Colorado again…

Another trip to New Mexico, and in the exact spot where we want to live, north of Taos, in Arroyo Seco, land of hippies, farmers, and vacation rentals galore. Taos Ski Resort is a quick drive from here, not that I have a single plan to ski again. But the detail is important, as it makes real estate a might expensive. We’ve been saving our hearts out and praying even harder for a cash boon, so we’ll just have to see how soon we get there!

Sadly, the pandemic kept us in quarantine from our favorite places, and we spent not one dime in the area, bringing all of our food and necessities. Never fear, the view, each other’s company, and long walks along sleepy roads kept us happy.


Behind & Beyond

Living in that childish wonder is a most beautiful feeling – I can so well remember it. There was always something more – behind and beyond everything – to me, the golden spectacles were very, very big.

Kate Greenaway


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