Articles by Colleen

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Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair…

Susan Polis Schutz


Normally, I am the one of this couple to be dashing about hurriedly for Greg to look at some strange bug or creature rambling about. Today, however, I was treated to this beauty, and I could not be more grateful. It is an eight spotted forester moth and a complete dazzler. Thank you, Buddy!

More iris blooms in the front garden. Like a true debutante, she took her sweet time.

This morning’s garden, at my favorite time of day, before the blaze of sun fades its luster. I like to wake before the hubster, kiss his sweet cheek, and roam in my nightgown, Juniper my ever curious companion. After taking in the scent of blossoms and tugging the spritely starts of weeds, I tuck in on the bench, listen to birdsong, and the sounds of a lively city awakening and heading off to work. It is good medicine.

This year’s first peony bloom. It never fails to disappoint.

Today’s lunch, before and after. I roasted orange wedges and sauteed chicken in an orange honey sauce, which bubbled down into the finest sweet-hot reduction. There was lettuce and fennel and carrot and feta, too.

Hello, and happy Friday! It’s our 27th wedding anniversary today! We are twenty-seven years better together, to be sure, though both of us forgot until I was glancing at the calendar and saw the date. So funny!

The memorial rose bush my mom gave me for Grandma Tess is positively covered in blooms to celebrate!

We had a wonderfully heavy rain earlier this week, complete with the rumble of thunder and flashes of lightning. The same storm brought snow to Pike’s Peak, which always makes me smile.

A few of this week’s eats. I brined and smoked chicken wings, made a green olive and orange gremolata to top more chicken, and did a Thai-ish salad of mushrooms, pork, peppers, green onion and garlic. Oh, and lots of ginger. Lots. Steamy!

Grandpa Herbie’s favorite Indian Paintbrush is popping up all over. Did you know it is a parasitic plant? Fascinating.

Yucca getting ready to bloom…

So much love for these tender hearts…


This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Bright Hope

Being engaged is a way of doing life, a way of living and loving. It’s about going to extremes and expressing the bright hope that life offers us, a hope that makes us brave and expels darkness with light. That’s what I want my life to be all about – full of abandon, whimsy, and in love.

Bob Goff


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