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Our bedroom looks east, and when there is sunshine, either blessedly clear or like the photo, striving to burn a frothy layer of clouds, it fills our eyes upon waking. We are enjoying having a very pared down space, with precious little art (my favorite Goodwill find of the sea!), a few trinkets, and all new furniture from Room & Board. It’s called Calvin and was made in Oregon, of all places. The ties that bind. The wall color is a pale and icy blue, and while we are most definitely in need of a new layer of paint, the shade will remain the same.

The heavens had a riotous pillow fight and the feathers fell as snow. We bundled and braved below zero wind chill to walk to the library and market in the bright white of it, dropping off movies that were too terrible to mention, buying an onion, a jar of pickles, and a 9-volt battery. It is a bummer to be awakened by a chirping fire alarm. It really is.

The onion was for green chile (recipe here – it’s been a while, Paris in the sweet hereafter, me a Pittsburgher, and the Powell Food 4 Less long gone!). This was definitely one of the best batches EVER. I made pinto beans and margaritas, too. The hubster made guacamole. Everything was marvelous and gave our cheeks a rosy-pink glow.

How handsome is my favorite tennis player? After three years of letting the rackets gather dust in the basement, he’s back at it (I am, too – birds of a feather). It’s been fun and a little bit strange, our bodies sore in places out of practice. Kind of nice, too. I watched him last night, something I had never done, save when I am on the opposite side of the net. There was much glorious sunshine and a match well played. And though he did not win, he was clearly content, smiling, hustling, doing and being his best.

A lovely morning at the Saint John’s bridge with Lori because, gasp, she had never been. Blasphemy! I think she had an okay time. Maybe.

When I was a kid, I had an obsession with miniatures, a desire to hold the world in the palm of my hand. I wrote stories about miniatures gone missing. I collected miniatures and built a house to hold them. I wanted to be a Borrowerto discover tiny places, to somehow manage to hop on Mister Roger’s Trolley and LIVE in the town. So, what a delight it was when I discovered my camera could render the world into my childhood dreams. Oh, happy day!


Still having fun with the Willamette Week Street photography. This week, my photos start with the guy in the glasses and denim jacket. Hello Ray! And the week before? I took all but the young woman in the sunglasses and hat. So much fun!

Holy cats!

Pictured at top has got to be among the top five best bathroom wall decorations of all time (though it is much brighter in person). If you do not know where it is, I am not going to tell you (save in North Portland), not because I am one to keep secrets like that, but because my delight upon first laying eyes on it was so spectacular and mirthful that I would rather you not expect it in hopes that you experience the same moment of wonder.

And Paris, bundled tightly post bath. My little sausage. “Let me out!”

Out snapping the peonies. Sadly, the season is winding down. And how about that last shot? Some sort of bee-mimic. We shared a magical, I see you, moment, inches apart and eye to eye. Wish I could have captured that one!

Mock orange: this tiny sprig scents the entire bathroom.

Out under the clerodendrum, eyes skyward and fingers plunged and twining the grass.

A sunset walk, eager for more of these, that soft hour of quiet, the revealing of different mysteries.

Happy Memorial Day, grateful for this great land that is America!

Have a listen to how I am feeling…

Ten minutes ago, this is what I saw. Tiptoeing to capture the gifts of morning. It rained during the night and left everything dewy and lovely. The lilac and apple buds are near bursting, while the bitter cherry open wide to let in bees and sun. And this light! Off it transports me to a fabled land of perpetual summer. Sweet kitties, groggy and happy from a giant breakfast. It’s going to be a great day…


new camera








so long 2013…


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