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It’s a beautifully sunny day in the neighborhood, and, as you can see, the kitties are soaking it up.  I was, too.  I even took off my shoes and socks, rolled up my pants, and pretended it was warmer than the thermometer would indicate, toes tickling the warm pavement.  I think bliss would be the right word to describe it.  Did I mention that I ate a tangerine in the process?  Drippy and delicious.

Aside from that, I don’t have much to tell you.  The final season of  Lost starts tonight.  I admit that I have been sucked into that vortex and am quite looking forward to a resolution.    We saw An Education last night.  I loved it and will be singing its praises in the Friday Spotlight.  I’m bouncing between two very interesting books, too.  Vanessa & Virginia and A Homemade Life. My January illness brought my reading to a standstill, so I am glad to be back in it, and with such good reads, I can’t complain, not one iota.  On top of all that goodness, I’ve got Lily Allen’s “The Fear” playing on a loop in my mind.  Life IS fucking fantastic.

Sorry for the swear word, Grandma.  Pretend you didn’t see it.

Mash Up

Hello everyone!  Gosh it seems like ages since I’ve posted, maybe to you, too.  I’m sorry about that, but I really felt lousy with whatever it was that I had – mostly a sinus infection, but there was some serious fatigue in the mix, too.  Yuck.  If you look at the previous post, that’s about how I looked 90% of the time, too, wearing sweats and assorted hats to keep warm, spending copious amounts of time in front of the television, cats on my lap, going through boxes of tissue.  A real party.

A funny and slightly gross story to go with this.  The hubster, who is quite used to me being full of verve at all hours of the day, became quite concerned after so many days of couch potato Colleen that he suggested I have my thyroid checked.  Then, when he happened to be home for one of my uber disgusting nose blowing extravaganzas, he said, “Wow, you really are sick, after all.”  I laughed and said, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!”  Bless his heart, he replied, “I’m a visual learner!”  We had a good chuckle!

This reminds me, have you seen the 30 Rock where Liz and Jack go to Stone Mountain, Georgia?  Liz orders a special “chuckle” sandwich and gets very ill.  Jack tries to console her by gently brushing a broom across her back while she vomits.  I just about wet my pants with laughter watching that (perhaps this is saying too much about me, but hey, I didn’t actually write it and put it on TV, so there).  It’s the gosh I’d like to be sympathetic, but you are grossing me out, so I’ll use this broom to keep my distance but give you a little TLC at the same time.  Been there, but never thought of the broom, thanks 30 Rock!

As you can tell, if you’ve bravely continued this far into the mire, I have absolutely nothing of substance to say.  I guess I am not entirely well,  but I did make that guacamole last night, and it was delish.  Anyway, it is good to be mostly back.  Hope you are well!

Do we dare to be ourselves?  That is the question that counts.

Pablo Casals

Great Tuesday greetings blog friends!  I have a killer headache from some nasty head cold I can’t seem to shake.  I feel well for a couple of days, and then it sneaks in through the back door, and I feel terrible for another day or two.   So much for the super-hero immunity I thought I had.  Boo.

Anyhoo, I can’t think very clearly, so you get some random thoughts about me.

1.  I cry while watching award shows.  So much sincerity and the love of telling and sharing stories, for aren’t we all a collection of words, experiences, and emotions?

2.  I love peanut butter.  Have I told you this before?  I can’t remember.  With jelly or chocolate, in a spicy satay, on a pancake, sprinkled with smoky salt, or slathered on a rye crisp.

3.  I believe in the power of architecture: wood, steel, glass, concrete, and LOVE.

4.  I love ruffles, pearls, velvet, and brooches – all the trappings of a woman with a girlish heart.

5.  I love smoked fish – sardines, salmon, trout – best when purchased in early morning, at a shack by the sea,  dearest friend at my side, the scent of the sea and warm smoky fish filling the air.  A slice of heaven, for sure.

Hello everyone!  I hope 2010 is off to a marvelous start in your neck of the woods.  We’ve enjoyed a delightful combination of activity, amusement, introspection, and joy.  So much so, that I don’t quite know where to begin.  Some photos, perhaps then, of our red roof house under a blanket of snow.

We were surprised by it, for there was only rain in the forecast.  Sitting in the living room at Bridget’s, it came on rather delicately, a few giant flakes until there were piles of them, and so much laughter and giddiness (Snowsuits!  Boots! Hats! Mittens!) on the part of children and adults that my heart filled with joy at their excitement.  Snow in the Pacific Northwest is quite different than anywhere I’ve experienced it.  The tiniest bit inspires paroxysms of glee!

Back at our house, it was peaceful, of the variety that only a blanket of snow can bring, and the light of evening, exquisite in its beauty.

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