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October Sun

Do you ever have those times when you realize that your life really is something special, that it is filled with remarkable people and perfect days?  So much so that you wish you could take it with both hands and dance around the room, laughing and twirling with glee?  That is how I feel when I reflect on this past weekend.  I want to take my lovely life for a joyful spin on the dance floor, and whisper in her ear, “This is it; you need no more, no less.”

It began with a phone call, that led to another, and an impromptu dinner party Friday night at Bridget’s.  We stayed way past bed time, listening to great music, chatting about all manner of things, receiving “smoothing” lessons from sweet Stella, eating, drinking, and loving it all.

Saturday found us in the yard, attending to the needs of the birds, enjoying the sun with Milo and Paris, before venturing to the other side of town, in search of corduroys, but finding some cake, too.

Then there was Sunday, glorious Sunday.  Late to rise, we walked over to Sweetness for a bit of a farewell (the reason will come later), before continuing on to the library, poring over books of all shapes and sizes, bringing many home.  All the while, we chatted happily – of big ideas, and tiny random thoughts, with sprinkles of kisses and hugs.

Yes, this weekend was a keeper of the highest order for the Pollyanna file.  How about yours?


You know what is really neat about being in a wonderful relationship is the time spent together.  It doesn’t matter what we do, we always have fun.

Whether it is a brisk morning walk, doing work around the house, or staying up past bed time to complete a not-so-easy puzzle.  It is all good and sweet and wonderful.  I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


I’ve had my share of chores and running around to do as of late – canning, making curtains, raking leaves, putting the garden beds to rest.  I enjoy the work, seeing the fruits of my labor come to fruition.  Since I bring no money into our household, it also gives me a sense of purpose.  However, so busy have I been in my doings, I’ve not noticed how lovely everything is.  I’ve not really seen the world.

So upon rising this morning, when I gazed out the window on my way to get dressed, I saw this sky and remembered – the world is beautiful.  There is a certain light beyond my window, and crimson leaves on the ground, the scent of fall in the air.  Take a moment and enjoy it.

As I followed my own advice, even taking a photo of the lovely light, I thought of poetry and felt certain someone else had said what I am thinking.  Here it is:


What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs and stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass, where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight, streams full of stars like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance, and watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.

– W. H. Davies

This is a combination of tags I’ve seen and received.  Enjoy, and play along, if you like…

Places I Go Over and Over

1. New Seasons Market

2. The Woodstock Library

3. East Portland Community Center – Nia class, yeah!

My Last Three Purchases

1. A very cool vintage wool coat (in bright orange) from Xtabay on Clinton.  Bridget – you’re going to love it!

2. Ingredients for baked beans – yummy to the tummy.

3. This book– beautiful and inspirational

Places I Love to Eat

1. The Savoy – deep fried cheese curds, chicken, roasted green beans, and mushrooms, delicious!

2. ChaBa Thai – Som Tum salad and Chicken Pad Kee Mao – the best in Portland.

3. Stickers – Scallion cake, Kung Pao Chicken, and Bulgogi Beef

4. La Buca – Caesar salad and the Abituale (number nine…number nine……number nine…)

5. La Choza (in Santa Fe) – anything on the menu, seriously.

Dream Dinner Guests

1. George Clooney – cute, smart, funny, cares about the world

2. Napoleon Bonaparte – brilliant and a little bit nuts

3. Mark Twain – quick witted, worldly, and an awfully good writer

4. Katharine Hepburn – she wore PANTS!

A Few Places I’d love to Travel

1. India – Kerala, Agra, Dehli, oh jeez, the whole shebang.

2. Cambodia – Angor Wat

3. Tennessee – Graceland, Nashville, those pretty hills

4. Pennsylvania  – The Amish and Fred Rogers (well, at least the old neighborhood)


1. Cooking without a recipe

2. The vault of song lyrics contained in my head

3. Home Decorating

Television Shows I Like

1. Bones

2. Pushing Daisies

3. Lost

Big Accomplishments Yet to Happen – Soon, Soon…

1. Successful novelist

2. Greater ease and flexibility of body, mind, and spirit – a yogi, of sorts.


Way back in January, I participated in Superhero Journal’s Mondo Beyondo, a way to release 2007 and set some positive intentions for 2008.

I had completely forgotten about (or so I thought) until I saw Andrea’s post about it on August 18th.  I jotted down a little note to revisit my intentions.  When I finally got around to checking the file on my lap-top, I was both pleased and surprised, as this is what I wrote:

This is the year of the novel, positivity, radiant health, and well being!!

Without really thinking about it, I have done just that.  I finished my novel back in March, done several revisions, and have submitted it to two publishers.  One rejected me, the other, who knows?  It is too soon to tell.

Positivity – I am seeking it out in myself and others more and more often.  When a negative thought arises, I make a mental note and turn it around.  I also find myself seeing positive aspects in formerly negative situations.  It feels wonderful to have a new perspective.

Radiant health and well being – Though I was pretty fit in January, I have had several nagging health issues for the past eight years.  I took charge by commencing an anti-inflammation diet/cleanse three weeks ago.  I’ve got five more to go, and then plan on making only a few modifications.  This is a change for life.  It is challenging at times, but I know the benefits will outweigh any discomfort that I feel now.  Besides, this is about really being healthy and treating my body like a temple.  Why should eating food that makes me sick be more comfortable than true love and nourishment? 

To add on to that, I have also declared to exercise for at least forty minutes, six days a week.  This part has been so much fun (there’s the positivity again).  I had an injury that kept me from my usual yoga and rowing practices for a while, so I had to find some replacements.  I chose a Nia class at my local community center twice a week – oh my goodness, awesome – and, thanks to a tip from my friend Sarah, the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.  Both have me moving in ways I don’t normally and seeing my body in a new light.  What’s more, I now have more variety in my exercise routine – Nia, yoga, rowing, Jillian, walking, biking, all GOOD!

I think of myself like the Clerodendrum above.  There are a few flowers open and smelling wonderfully fragrant.  The rest are patiently receiving nourishment from the sun and rain, waiting for the right moment before blossoming into their full glory.

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