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Gregory asked for a photo, so he’ll see me when I call him on his new phone.  This is what I came up with.  How do people take such nice self-portraits?  I had such a hard time keeping the camera steady.  You’d think I was a drunkard.

Anyway, here they are…

Not bad if you like eucalyptus.

I’ve seen worse…

Many politically incorrect mutterings running through my brain about this one.  I do like that I can finally see the whole outfit.  Cute shoes.

Fingers over the flash?  Oy, where is a professional when I need one?  By the way, I’m trying to wave, so yes, I did intend for my hand to be that close.

Buddy, you’ll just have to take a photo of me, okay?  I think that would be best.

Andrea, over at one of my favorite blogs Superhero Journal, is always getting me thinking.  This week, she asked the question, “What are you willing to receive?”

The Answer?  EVERYTHING.  That’s right, everything: love, hate, friendship, rain, sunshine, flowers, filth.  I believe that if I am not fully willing to accept whatever comes my way, then I miss out on important opportunities for learning, growing, and most importantly, enjoying life.  Life is good.

Take this photo.  Last fall, I sat down on the toilet and swung my right leg off to the side, injuring myself, badly.  I could not walk, sitting back down on the toilet was excrutiating, as was standing up, lying down, and any other type of configuration that required me to move my right leg even slightly. 

Yet it was fun, too.  Gregory, my friends, and I had loads of laughs at my expense.  For starts, I injured myself on the toilet!   How is that not funny?  Then we went shopping at the Value Village to find something to help prop me up because medical supply stores are not open on Sunday.  I bought the walker for $15 after a serious test drive around the store.  I got many queer looks, but hey, at $50 and up retail, it was also a real bargain!

It was also a hoot to hear me groan at the slightest movement.  I felt like Billy Crystal in When Harry Met Sally.  I don’t get that feeling often.  I’m usually more like Meg Ryan because I’m the worst kind of high maintenance, if you know what I mean.

On a more serious note, I also gained a greater appreciation for my body.  I have been known to say unkind things about her, pointing out her flaws, when, in reality, she is really quite remarkable.  Using a walker requires more arm strength that one might imagine.  I also discovered how much I love to exercise.  When it was over, I was sure happy to return to my yoga and rowing practices.  I had missed them.  I also learned to be a little kinder to old, and sometimes, not-so-old people with disabilities.  It takes a lot longer to maneuver a walker than two feet.

So there you have it, my willingness to receive turned what could have been an awful, crabby, pity party into a truly fun and wonderful experience.  I am smiling in the photo, after all.  Thanks for EVERYTHING.


Colleen is a nut

Stuck in a rut?

Willing to say tut-tut

Oh and but

She shall not shut

Herself in a hut…


Something amazing happened to me the other day, mind blowing, wonderful kind of amazing.  I was finishing my yoga practice with a meditation before shavasana, something I don’t normally incorporate for reasons of time and laziness.

Anyway, as I was sitting there, listening to Shiva’s kind voice, I felt my body moving, only I didn’t feel like I was the one doing it.  It was just happening, smooth and effortless, a birch branch slowly oscillating in the breeze.   As I continued to move, I had this sensation of fullness, effervescence.  I could no longer tell where my body ended and the rest of the universe began.  In my closed eyes, I could see and feel billions of tiny bubbles of light pulsing and emanating to and from what I can only guess was the essence of all being: me, you, the sun, moon, and stars.

As you might imagine, it was exhilarating.  It brought me the greatest sense of joy, peace, and wonder, and the moment I became fully conscious of what was happening, I wanted it to continue, to watch where it might take me, but, of course, in this same moment, I made the connection back to my thinking mind, and it was over, leaving me with tiny traces of its perfection.

Thinking about it now, I feel a bit empty but in the most positive way.  Empty of pain, worry, suffering, and full of hope at the possibility of my life and our world.  Now I am sharing it with you.


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Thanks be to the friendship gods that brought me to my dear, dear friend Sarah.  We met eight years ago when I was an Americorps Member at Reach Community Development.  I painted houses and did home repairs for elderly and disabled low income folks (I used to despise this word, and now I’m using it – sigh).  Sarah worked on lead safety and abatement. 

One day, we walked to Anne Hughes Kitchen Table for lunch and a friendship was born.  I have known her through her first born’s first Halloween party (Hunter), the birth of two children (Bryn and Grayson), moving house, and many, many preschool and elementary school fund raisers. 

She has known me through more jobs than I care to count, just as many “ended” friendships, and one novel, to which she gave a rave review.

She is kind, thoughtful, generous, ever so caring, crafty, and loads of fun to be around.  I spend hours and hours with her in person and on the phone, yet never tire of her company.  More importantly, she never tires of mine.  I am the quintessential Gemini – stodgy, yet silly with wild abandon and irreverance, uptight and totally mellow, infuriating and exhilarating.  Through it all, Sarah laughs at me as well as I do.  Thank you, my dear.

So, on this day that is weeks before your birthday (something I am terrible at remembering when it actually counts), I honor you and our wonderful friendship.

I love you friend.  Have a beautiful day!


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