Let your love be like the misty rains, coming softly, but flooding the river.
Malagasy Proverb
Happy Birthday, Buddy!
My rain, flood, sun, and stars…
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July 21, 2011 in Celebrating, Quoting by Colleen | 2 comments
Let your love be like the misty rains, coming softly, but flooding the river.
Malagasy Proverb
Happy Birthday, Buddy!
My rain, flood, sun, and stars…
June 15, 2011 in Celebrating by Colleen | 4 comments
Afternoon, friends. How are you this fine Wednesday? I am well, and, I think, officially middle aged. Is forty middle aged? Or does the saying, “Fifty is the new forty” mean I’ve got ten more years? Oh bother. I’m forty, four-zero, shaken-not-stirred, straight-no-chaser (a la Thelonious Monk), with new wrinkles to prove it! Seriously, I think the skin on my face lost a millimeter or two of elasticity in the last two weeks. And here I thought I was Ms. Fancy Pants!
As I am not a super celebratory kind of gal, we had a yard sale on the big day, which was, now that I think about it, a bit of a party. We chatted it up and had laughs with many neighbors, strangers, and friends. The hubster and I shared high-fives and danced a couple of jiggety-jigs after getting rid of quite an accumulation of stuff we no longer needed, also freeing a rather large portion of our basement from a cumbersome burden.
This included nearly our entire CD collection (we’ve gone digital!), which, at times, made me a little misty-melancholy, as someone put a rather fine selection into their purchase pile and my mind traveled to places we’d been together: driving in my 1981 Toyota Celica listening to Joy Division, chilling on the sofa to Miles Davis, singing at the top of my voice to the Doors and Rolling Stones. Ahh, nostalgia.
To to top it off, the peonies are blooming (hello Coral Charm!) and we partook of some Late Night Snack, the very yummy Jimmy Fallon flavor from Ben and Jerry’s. Salty and sweet, creamy and crunchy, it is a perfect flavor and texture combination. I expect nothing less from Mr. Fallon.
So, forty feels fine: older, wiser, sillier, more supple, yet obstinate, too. How are you?
May 17, 2011 in Celebrating, Thinking by Colleen | 6 comments
I fell down the stairs a few years ago. It really hurt, and I got a nasty bruise on my back, but I didn’t really think about it much. I do that, move right along once the initial pain subsides. I’ve got things to do, places to go, people to see! The trouble is, my back never really healed properly, even though it felt okay. It got itself in a bit of a jumble that’s caused other problems, more irritating and insidious. I’ve tried visiting a chiropractor and acupuncturist to get rid of it, but nothing seemed to work. I’ve recently been working with a massage therapist, and she said, rather casually, that problems like these, ones that should heal but don’t are often the result of not being able to let go of something painful. This idea gave me pause. Is it true? Is there something I’ve been unwilling to loosen from my grasp?
I talked to my former student, now friend, Daniel last night. He’s coming for a short visit and wanted to be sure we saw each other, which we will. It’s nice to be thought of like that, wanted. I like it. Anyway, during our conversation, we talked about life and what we’re doing, and whether the work we do means anything or is going anywhere, despite the hours, days, weeks, and months we’ve been at it. In particular, I was thinking about my blog and the fact that my last post was the 500th (Zowie!). I’ve come to this space five hundred times, put myself out there as honestly and earnestly as I can, yet what is it doing, really? Where is it going? What is it about? What kind of blog is it? Honestly, I have no idea. I only do what feels right at the time.
I was at the library the other day, in a section I don’t normally browse, and found a sweet little book called Start Where You Are, by Pema Chodron. It’s about meditation and how to practice and cope with whatever life brings, mostly by letting go. I brought it home (along with a giant stack from the sections I do normally browse – libraries are awesome), and I’ve really been enjoying it. She writes in a very accessible style, with many personal anecdotes. I find myself laughing a lot and agreeing with her words, especially these: Give away what you don’t want. Give away what you most want. Nothing is concrete. There are no definitive answers. There’s only this moment and this breath.
Then, yesterday, I popped in a bonus Shiva Rea DVD, again, like the book, something I wouldn’t normally browse, and watched an interview with Shiva about the practice of yoga. At the beginning she said, “With yoga, you start where you are.” Well, the light bulbs went off friends. I thought about how true it is, especially in reference to Pema Chodron’s book. Nothing is concrete. Each moment is new. With each yoga practice, I start where I am. Sometimes, I am strong and steady, moving with grace and ease through the postures. Other times, like yesterday, I fall on my ass doing what is normally pretty simple.
Then I got to the big picture thoughts that have been weighing heavily on my mind. I’ve written five hundred blog posts and am nearly forty years old. This is a big deal, isn’t it? Something significant, concrete, should be happening, right? Fireworks? I should know what I’m doing, where I’m going, what I’m going to be. I should be making money. It’s about time.
Then, finally, it’s back to my massage therapist’s words and the book. Letting go. Everything is a passing memory. I’ve had these ideas and expectations my whole life. I’ve been holding on to the notion that I should know what I’m doing, be successful, that my back shouldn’t hurt, that I should like everyone. It’s all very concrete and solid, like the knots in my back. But what if I looked at life differently? What if I allowed a space for softness, for not knowing, not grasping. What if I let go of all the stories? What if I start where I am right now, again and again, no destination, no need to be anything different than what I am. What will happen then?
I guess I will see.
Tags: Pema Chodron, Shiva Rea
May 2, 2011 in Celebrating, Eating, Exploring by Colleen | 4 comments
Good morning all!
I hope today is the beginning of a bright and beautiful week for you. Yesterday was a glorious day of firsts around here, many of them captured in the above photo. It was sunny and warm enough to dry laundry outside! Sunny enough for a little happy hour of lemon bars and sparkling lemonade on the patio! Sunny enough to walk to dinner wearing sandals and a dress – no down vest required! Hallelujah – we’d waited so long that’s it’s truly worthy of all the exclamations! Seriously, this is the first time in my nearly thirteen years as a Stumptown girl that the wet weather has gotten me down. I spent many a recent day pining for warmth and light, so when two days in a row came, and on a weekend, no less, I was pretty jazzed.
On our way out the door to dinner, we found this bit of sweetness left by a neighbor. I don’t know which I love more, the act of kindness or lilacs! I have one in the back, just behind the clothesline, and its blossoms are just beginning to open. Happiness!
Now to the second bit of the title: mussels, my favorite gift from the sea. My love for them is pretty serious, so don’t go messing with the menu, people. I’ve made special trips to places to indulge only to have my spirit squashed like a bug at their absence. This place used to have mussels but now has only crap burgers and too loud Grateful Dead on the hi-fi. And I like the Grateful Dead! It’s just that everything is exaggerated when food disappointment is involved. The hubster will vouch for me on this. There’s a certain look in my once sweet eyes that means we gotta get outta here. I’m not happy. Thankfully, I have enough sources that I need not rely on one place and can get my fix in practically every area of town. Should you share my love for mussels here are the best PDX preparations:
Lauro Kitchen – served rather dramatically in a cataplana (a cool looking copper pot) with peppers, onions, and sausage.
St. Jack – A very French preparation with ultra crispy crusted baguette.
The Observatory – there’s Sake in there, and it’s damn good! (An aside – the whitefish spread is pretty spectacular, too.)
North 45 – This place takes mussels as seriously as I do, with a half dozen or more preparations on the menu at one time. Deciding is not easy.
Here’s hoping it’s a wonderful week for you and yours, one without the heartache and destruction of weather disasters. My thoughts and prayers to all who lost so very much.
Tags: Portland, Restaurants
April 26, 2011 in Admiring, Celebrating, Loving by Colleen | 3 comments
I love you, our relationship, and how special every day with you is. I love that we can get mad at each other without it hurting who we are together. I love that you are handsome with your sparkly blue eyes. I love that you are taller than me and can reach items on the high shelf without a ladder. I love that you take good care of yourself. I love that you work to make our lives better. I love that you are generous and give good hugs. I love that you are funny and make me laugh almost every day. I love that we have the same values and sense of the world. I love that you love computers and speak their language. I love your scent, that sweet spot, just there, on your cheek. I love that you’re learning to play the piano. I love that you wonder. I love that we cuddle every night in bed and in the mornings, too. I love you.
Colleen Sohn
writer. photographer . dreamer