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Hello there!  I thought I would show you our lovely reincarnated chairs.  I had some before pictures, but deleted them, so there is no dramatic reveal, I’m afraid.  Though you could say, Ty Pennington style, to “Move that cat!”  As you can see, Milo has set up camp on the yellow chairs.  As a matter of fact, he doesn’t quite know what to do when we actually take a turn on them.  The other night, we were sitting and happily chatting away, when he started to pace between us.  At first, we thought nothing of it, but then realized that we were on HIS chairs, and he didn’t know what to do about it.  We laughed and enjoyed a bit more pacing before Gregory moved.  Milo was on his vacated chair in an instant.  What can I say?  He really loves the fabric!

Unfortunately, he is loving the fabric on the grey chair too (which is in the bedroom), only in a rather destructive fashion while we are trying to sleep.  This however, does not serve him very well, as the consequence for that is spending the rest of the night in the chilly basement.  I wish he was capable of learning this.  Oh well.

So, here they are.  I am proud to have a successful reupholstering story.  Also, I forgot to mention that there is a little history here.  We bought the yellow chairs (formerly green) from a place called Old PDX Furniture on Hawthorne probably eight years ago.  The business wasn’t there for long, but, as it happens, the same woman who sold them to us is the one who just reupholstered them, and in a top notch fashion, I might add.  She’s done right at least twice!

If you’d like to have Erin work on your furniture, with eco-friendly fabric, she’d be happy to do it.  Her shop is called Acanthus.  We made our appointment before she made the change to eco-friendly fabrics, having purchased ours a while back, so I can’t say how expensive the fabrics are.  Her prices for the upholstering are right in line with others I was quoted around town and a whole lot less than buying brand new chairs.  She and her business partner are just plain nice, too.

Hip hip hooray!  Our bedroom is complete, well, mostly.  I may make some tie backs for the curtains.  Close enough anyway.  Unfortunately, you cannot see what started the whole process in the photo – the windows.  I don’t suppose it would matter if you could, though.  They look pretty much identical to the other windows, but these aren’t seventy-seven years old, have cracks in the panes, or let in drafts when closed.  My home heating bill will soon say thank you.

Additionally, adding to the warmth factor, we got rid of the cheap and not terribly attractive plastic mini-blinds that came with the house and put up the gorgeous curtains.  They are heavy velvet and ever so lovely.  Additionally, when closed, they make the room super dark, even when it is light out, so we sleep better too.

Oops, I forgot about the cat chair.  The photo hides it pretty well, but in person, you can see the work the Little Man and Paris have done on it.  Oy, great lines, but not so pretty.  This will get some new upholstery in the near future.  I’ve got a dark grey (like the curtains) microsuede for it.  Hopefully their little paws won’t find it as appealing as the current fabric.

Something I love about decorating is filling the room with special memories.  Top to bottom:

The bedside table has a little Moomin plate that we bought in Finland on our honeymoon.  So very cute, it has a boy and a girl Moomin looking at a sailing ship.  It’s about love and seeing the world together.

The gold-framed painting is the first we ever bought at an art gallery (Saks in Denver).  By John Lencicki, it is of a Citroen Deux Chevaux (two horses), my absolute favorite French car.

Above the cat chair, the frame on the left has a neat old map of Paris in it – Jeff, do you remember giving that to us?

The neat mirrored chest was my mom’s growing up; it’s my favorite piece of furniture in the room.

Now you know where I sleep.  Sweet dreams to us all…

The Guest Room

Well, as promised, here is the guest room.  I love it – so tranquil and pretty.  Sometimes, when Gregory and I want an extra peaceful night’s sleep, we come here.  The bed is a full, so it is pretty cozy with us and the cats, but it makes for such a nice change.

As for the updates to the room, here’s what I did:

The walls are painted in Butterfly Bush, trim He Loves Me (I know – how cute is that?), both from Miller Paint.  I added two pictures above the bed, one I made, one I bought.  The wall lamp next to the bed is the Arstid from Ikea and perfect for reading, as it has a neat swivel head.  I would like to paint the little side table and make a bed skirt.

Painting this chest has been on my to-do list since buying it ten years ago.  Yikes!  Better late than never.  The color is called Frog Belly by Pratt and Lambert.  Isn’t it just perfect?

Here’s what it looks like when you’re cozied up in bed.  Previously, the door and trim were the original wood.  Normally I don’t like to paint wood, but this wasn’t in very fine shape, having taken a beating over the years, so the paint really makes it.  The odd looking spot above the square painting (by Jamee) is a neat ceramic cicada that I bought in France last summer.  Of course it is green!

Have you ever played Jenga?  Just in case you haven’t, it’s the game that starts out as an orderly stack of wooden blocks that is eventually turned into a leaning tower of Pisa by the careful reordering of the pieces before crashing loudly down to the ground.  My desk looked like the aftermath of the crash until about ten minutes ago.

Only it wasn’t just neat pieces of pine.  I had stacks of paper, tags, receipts, books, magazines, catalogs, fabric, jewelry, and a digital timer piled in that relatively small space next to my laptop – a veritable wonder of physics, I tell ya.  It’s one of those things that drives me absolutely nutty, turning me into a three year old in dire need of a nap.  I am crazy tired and know I should go to bed,  but I’m seriously putting my foot down because there are so many other fun things to do!

It’s silly.  I also know that it is quite avoidable.  If I took that extra moment longer to put something away, I wouldn’t have any mess in the first place, yet I still don’t do it and then want to tear my hair out when it looks so disastrous – sometimes!  See that?  I was getting a little gloomy there but decided to use my dime store word and presto change-o!  I feel so much better.

My desk surely does as well, now that it can actually see its surroundings – like the nice lamp and all the fun objects on the bulletin board.  Yep, I can hear it singing – “I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty, and bright!”

Hooray for little cleaning frenzies!

With Siding

Siding on the side, waiting to be recycled.

A fresh coat of paint in my favorite colors: green and red.

Welcome to our newly painted home…

The front porch, so sweet!

Me, taking a picture of Milo looking out at the new colors.

The back yard from the upstairs – the lawn furniture resides where the dead BMW once did.

When Gregory and I came to Portland for our house hunting trip ten years ago, we looked at twenty five houses in four days.  Ooh la la! What an overwhelming and wholly taxing experience.  At the end, when we were seated in the office of our realtor, Carol Zamba (I wonder if she’s still selling houses?), and I chose this house, Gregory and Carol gave a slightly horrified stereo response.  “That one?”

While I extolled the house’s virtues – it faces west (for shady summer afternoons in the back yard), it has a large lot with a detatched garage, the right amount of bedrooms (four – ours, guest, tv, and office), and a full basement – they thought about the alligator living in a giant aquarium in the dining room, the peeling paint, the piles of garbage on the back porch and basement, the siding on one half of the house, and oh, yeah, the dead BMW nestled in the tall weeds in the back.  Yes, that one.

The key, for me, was a long term vision.  I could see us turning that house into our home, and we have, slowly but surely, bit by bit.

So, this is our humble abode’s tranformation to half-sided and okay to painted and lovely.  We dreaded this awful project for ten long years – take off the siding?  finish the job?  paint it?  We finally decided to take it off, and then paint the whole house in a new Colleen and Gregory color scheme.  I am so happy we did, for I never really liked that blue color, not being my choice and all.  This green however, I am in love with it.  It looks so lovely with the red roof and the matching windows.  I am happy, happy, happy.  I finally have the exterior of my dreams.  Now for the bathroom and basement.  All in good time…

p.s. This project is what kept me from posting sooner.  It is hard to focus with five loud men painting up a storm!

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