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These are perfect seasonal muffins, delicious plain or with butter and honey.

1  cup flour

3/4 cup whole wheat flour (or use all regular – I like a little extra fiber)

1/3 cup sugar (these aren’t very sweet, so if you like a sweet muffin, use 1/2 cup)

2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

1/4 cup dried cranberries

1/4 cup chocolate chips (I made this addition for the hubster – add more cranberries and walnuts, if you prefer)

1/2 cup milk

1/3 cup oil

1/4 cup orange juice

zest of 1/2 of an orange

Sift together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl, set aside.  Blend milk, egg, oil, orange juice and zest.  Pour into flour mixture and stir until moistened.  Mix in walnuts, cranberries, and chocolate chips.  Fill muffin cups (greased or lined, your choice), and bake at 400 for 20-25 minutes.  Makes 9-12, depending on how you fill your muffin cups.


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We just got our highly anticipated list of Willamette Week’s 100 favorite restaurants, their yearly focus on yummy goodness in all five quadrants and beyond (yeah, I said five – we’ve got the Keep Portland Weird bumper stickers for a reason).  Of the 100, we’ve eaten at 53.  Yikes!  Do we really eat out that much?  Yet, why haven’t we tried all of these?

In this same spirit, here is our list of favorite restaurants and some of our favorite dishes.  Places we go often, places we itch to go more frequently but must restrain ourselves for fear of bankruptcy or obesity.  What are your favorites?


August Moon – Sesame Chicken and Szechuan green beans

Chaba Thai – Som Tum Salad, Pad Kee Mao, Red Curry with Pineapple

Stickers – Anything on a skewer, Scallion Cakes, and Kung Pao Chicken

Latin Flavor:

El Tapatio – Eddie is the sweetest server ever, but I would not eat him.  That would be wrong.

Pambiche – Ropa Vieja, Maduros, Tostones, anything with ham.

Pata Negra – scrumptious tapas of every stripe, but go when it is warm – this place can be downright chilly.

Viva Italia!:

La Buca – Abituale (number nine, number nine…), Caesar salad, Fettuccine Alfredo with a side of red sauce.





Screen Door – Peanut Butter Pie!

The Country Cat – The Whole Hog


Bubble Bubble – Ginger or Coconut Bubble Tea

Bipartisan Cafe – Coffee and Pie – you can’t go wrong.

The Observatory – The food is good too.  Smoked whitefish – delish.

The Maiden – Absinthe!

Very Portland:

Caldera – Stroganoff

Clyde Common

Higgins Bar

Laurelhurst Market


Toast – Hippies Use Front Door Granola, the Burger


Broder – I’m a big fan of the bords.

Savoy – Fried Cheese Curds, Macaroni and Cheese.  I like cheese (and Christmas).


Everett Street Bistro


Chennai Masala – definitely worth the drive to Hillsboro.

India Oven


Pause – Reuben (house smoked meat) and the huge cheesy-beefy appetizer thingies, yowza!

Sweetness – All Day Breakfast Sandwich


Queen of Sheeba – Mushrooms

Jarra’s – Lamb shank

All American:


Diane’s – Biscuits and Gravy

Mike’s Drive-In – the Portobello Burger is my current fave, but nearly any burger will do.

Tabor Hill Cafe – Chicken Caesar Salad

p.s.  The pizza is my own.  I already order like Sally Albright.  I don’t need to add picture taking of my food to the list of idiosyncrasies.


So, I’ve got quite the hodgepodge for you today.  First off, isn’t this a gorgeous sky?  It was like the heavens couldn’t make up their mind, sweet, soft, and ethereal pink or menacing grey.  A bit like me, sometimes I just can’t decide.

Take, for instance, my sugar addiction.  One moment I am not at all interested in eating one more bite of it, and I get a little haughty, feeling, “Oh, I’ve really licked it this time!”  Then, I drive by Pix, pull over the car and eat half of a St. Honore before I am dumbstruck by what is happening.  Shoot!  As for this very moment, I am feeling, more than anything else, like I need to let the obsession go.  I am a pretty healthy person, all things considered, knocking on wood, etcetera, etcetera.  Why fret about it?  My cravings ebb and flow, like a river or the sea, just let it be.

Speaking of being and the flow of the sea, today my yoga practice involved a new, and rather exciting video (at least to me – it’s been out for a while) Shiva Rea: Yoga Trance Dance.  I’m pretty sure I have mentioned that I LOVE to dance, in a crazy, unscripted, primal, and occasionally, um, nutty, kind of way, really taking the rhythms to another plane, both physically and mentally (quite unlike my graceful ballerina friend Mara).  Thankfully, this DVD fully embraces these qualities, really engaging the practitioner in a dynamic and energizing flow, riding the waves of grace, energy, and movement.  I highly recommend it.

Now, a bit more of the sea, in a shopping and decorating note.  How about this painting gracing our bedroom?  There used to be a poster of an old map of Paris, but we had grown tired of it, and then I got, in a semi-paranoid state, to thinking that if the big earthquake comes while we are in bed and knocks it off the wall, we’re goners.  So, the other day at the Goodwill Bins, I found this.  It is an original oil painting by H. Walker.  I know nothing of this person, but bless his or her heart, the sea is right, and I got a bargain that will not kill me, my precious spouse, or cats, all for $20, including the frame.  Not bad, not bad at all my precious peeps.  Now if I could center the bed under the painting, my anal-retentive self would be super happy.  One thing at a time…

Finally, the last of the summer tomatoes.  We’ve had quite the season around here – I canned nine pints, made a big batch of Spicy Tomato Chutney (Zowie – I posted this recipe one year ago TODAY!), and eaten and eaten to my heart’s content.  These are the Sungold cherry variety from our rather prolific vines.  I sliced them, sprayed them with olive oil (using our refillable pump – love this gadget), followed by a sprinkle of salt, and two hours at 200 degrees in the oven.  With my instructions, because I didn’t want to stop watching the news and get off the couch (sometimes I refuse to budge), the hubster made this pasta dish.  Easy, delicious.   Why don’t you try it?  This serves two and is yummy!

Pasta (we used brown rice fettuccine, as we avoid wheat when we can)

1 handful pine nuts

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon butter

3-4 fresh sage leaves, sliced fine, as in a chiffonade

1 handful raisins

1 large handful of sun or oven dried tomatoes

salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes, to taste

While your pasta is cooking, toast the pine nuts in a dry skillet until light brown, shaking the pan to evenly brown.  Set aside.  Add butter and olive oil to pan, bring to a slow bubble, add the sage and raisins, cooking until the raisins puff a little, add the tomatoes and gently stir, just until warmed through.  Once your pasta is finished, toss everything together.  Season with salt, fresh ground pepper, and red pepper flakes.

If you have some green tomatoes left in the garden, fry them up!  We sliced ours to about 1/4″, dipped them in Ener-G egg replacer (regular egg will do), dredged them in brown rice flour (more crunch, but wheat will do), corn meal, salt, and pepper, and fried in enough sunflower oil to cover the bottom of the skillet.  Fry until golden on each side and voila, yummy (I can’t find the photo, sorry).

What a day!  Enjoy yours.

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I got stung by a wasp on Sunday afternoon.  The hubster and I were gardening, and I felt what I thought was a sequoia needle stabbing into me.  When I looked down to move my foot out of the way of said needle, I saw the wasp bouncing off my ankle, like a little basketball, over and over.  I yelped, both at the realization and because it really hurt.  I thought I came out of it relatively unscathed until yesterday afternoon, when my foot swelled up like a little balloon, nearly twenty-four hours after being stung.  To be honest, I think I brought this on myself, as the inflammation only occurred after a rather vigorous scratching.  My goodness friends, it itches!  So here I am, swollen footed, gimpy, writing about soup and fish, delicious velvety soup and fish.  George Costanza would eat it with pride.

Velvety Squash Soup

1 winter squash, about 2 1/2 pounds (I used a kabocha – it looks like a dark green pumpkin)

olive oil


1 medium onion, diced

2 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons curry powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 – 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth

1 cup coconut milk

cayenne pepper (to taste, optional)

Cut the squash into large chunks.  If you have a hard time getting your blade through the hard flesh, try gently tapping the knife with a hammer.  I wish I could give proper credit for this discovery, because it works wonders!  Place on a baking pan and drizzle the pieces with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.  Roast in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes to one hour, until soft.  Remove from oven and allow to cool.

In a medium soup pot, saute the onion with the butter and salt until the onion is soft.  Add three cups of broth and the curry powder and simmer over low heat.  Once the squash is cool enough to handle, scoop out the flesh and add to the onion curry broth.  Using an immersion blender, blend the mixture until smooth.  (If you don’t have an immersion blender, use a regular one, adding the squash in batches.  Use very little broth as you blend, or you will have a hot mess splattered everywhere. This is the voice of experience talking and why I have the immersion variety.  Put it back in the pan as you go.)  Add the coconut milk and correct the seasoning and thickness of the soup.  It may need more broth, salt, or curry.  If you’d like it spicier, add the optional cayenne now.  Eat now or continue to simmer over low heat while you prepare the fish.

Floating Fish

2 fillets of firm white fish (neutral flavored cod or halibut are best)

curry powder


Place fish on a baking pan and sprinkle with curry and salt.  Place under the broiler for about 3-5 minutes, depending on thickness.  Remove from oven, gently turn over, and season the second side.  Broil until the flesh is opaque, another 3-5 minutes.

Ladle soup into serving bowls and gently float the fillet on top.  It looks so pretty and tastes even better.


My sad foot.  I hope this doesn’t turn you off from the soup, but I had to share.  It’s what I do.


Greg made dinner the other night while I was tapping away like a fat little pigeon – thanks Buddy!  This isn’t it, but a fine substitute photo from an outing to Hood River a few weeks back.  Anyway, he roasted some chicken but lamented the fact that he always makes it the same way, sprinkled with fresh rosemary (the shrubs in our garden are HUGE), salt, and pepper.  Here’s my help to him (and you, if you like) in the future – a quick reference for the preparation, as well as myriad seasoning options for our dining pleasure.

Tasty Whole Chicken Legs (We’re not breast people)

To each of the seasoning combinations, add salt and as little or as much garlic as you like (fresh diced or dried ground)

Optional seasonings for each, depending on your tastes – ground pepper, red pepper flakes, and a light drizzle of olive oil rubbed on first

Use the following seasonings, alone or together, to your taste:

Asian: soy, sake, ginger, green onion, fish sauce, sweet hot sauce, peanut butter

French: sage, tarragon, thyme, rosemary, a splash of white wine in the pan

German: coarse sweet mustard, caraway seeds, a splash of apple cider vinegar in the pan (I’d probably skip the garlic on this one or maybe use just a little)

Indian: curry powder, cumin, garam masala, ginger, fenugreek

Italian: basil, oregano, marjoram, a splash of red wine or Marsala in the pan

Mexican: ground dried chipotle, cayenne, cumin, honey or agave

Spanish: smoked paprika, a dash of sherry in the pan

Classic: lemon pepper, onion, thyme, paprika, sage, brown mustard seeds

Preheat the oven to 450.  Place chicken in pan (ugly side up, with or without skin) and season your way.  Place in oven and roast for 5-10 minutes, or until it starts to crisp.  Turn the temperature to 325 and continue roasting for 15 minutes.  Flip the chicken over to the pretty side and season again.  Turn the temperature back to 450.  Roast until it is crispy and the juices run clear, usually about 5-10 minutes.



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