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I haven’t actually made bacon yet, but I am going to try.  I’m not kidding.  Why not?  I made marshmallows yesterday afternoon.  Marshmallows!  I would show you a picture, but they turned out, well, beige, and not terribly pretty.  There are some kinks to the recipe that I will note for the future – like getting as much of the sticky mess out of the bowl in one go, so there are no funky blobs on top.  As for the beige color, it is likely a shade Martha Stewart would paint her walls, kind of pretty actually, just not marshmallow-y.  Don’t worry though, it wasn’t because something went wrong.  Since I am an all things organic kind of gal, the sugar and corn syrup I used were not white and clear, but on the brown side, making everything beige.  Yummy, however.  Sticky, yummy, gooey, good!

The inspiration for all this making?  The lovely book pictured above.  I spied it on Amazon a few weeks ago and then bought it on a little spree at Powell’s Books for Home and Garden.  My goodness is that a dangerous place under the influence of wine.  Thankfully, unlike other times I have imbibed with abandon, I have no regrets.

Speaking of imbibing, I also made the recipe for Rumkirschen.  Dark rum + simple syrup + the neighbor’s pie cherries (hand picked by moi) + one week to steep = delicious.  We mixed the concoction with some sparkling water and enjoyed a seriously pretty and summery drink.  Watch out for the cherries, however.  They pack a punch!

There are also recipes for crackers, two kinds of lemoncello, mustard, pickles, olives, butter, cheese,  pasta, and much more.  My hat is off to Karen Solomon for a fun and inspiring book, filled with Colleen-style projects.  I’m sure I’ll return to it time and again.

Good morning everyone!

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend.  I sure did, which would account for not posting on Friday.  The hubster had a three-day weekend, and I saw no reason not to join the fun.

It was pretty hot here, at least for me, the I don’t like it above 85 degrees gal, so we spent a lot of time in shady spaces – like the front yard of Bridget and Eric’s house, sipping cool drinks and noshing on cherries, as well as prostrate on the back porch, enjoying the breeze and the scent of jasmine.

As you can probably deduce, I also spent some time in the kitchen, making the scrumptious coffee cake Gregory is enjoying with his coffee.  I’ll post the recipe at the end, as I’ve got something neat to show you first.  Take a look.

I’ve got a little friend!  I had been outside observing the bees as they devour the nectar from the lavender.  I love to sit right on the ground next to the plants and watch them zip from blossom to blossom, all the while enjoying the buzzing symphony of happiness.  I noticed this little guy about a half an hour after I had come back inside.  I think it was on my skirt the entire time because I would have noticed a bee flying around the house.  Maybe I am entirely deluded (it wouldn’t be the first time), but I honestly believe that the bees like me, too, and this fella was, quite like I do with them, just observing me in my habitat.  Bees are very smart, after all.  Besides, even if it isn’t true, it is still pretty neat to  think that the little guy was clinging to my skirt the whole time.

So the recipe for the coffee cake and another confession about sugar.  I wish I could say I haven’t been eating much, but that would be a bald-faced lie (such an odd expression).  Truthfully, I’ve been eating it about twice a week.  After my diagnosis, I decided to focus on that, not sweets.  Once I’ve recovered from surgery, working on my sugar addiction will be at the top of my to-do list.

Fruity Coffee Cake

-adapted from the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook 75th Anniversary Edition

1 1/2 – 2 cups fresh or frozen fruit (I used two diced apricots and about 1 cup fresh raspberries)

1 1/2 cups flour

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 cup butter

1 egg, beaten

1/2 cup buttermilk or plain yogurt thinned with milk

1/2 teaspoon almond extract

Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda.  Cut in the butter until it resembles coarse crumbs.  Make a well in the center, and set aside.

In another bowl, combine egg, buttermilk, and almond extract.  Add this mixture, all at once, to the flour mixture.  Stir just until moistened.  The batter will be lumpy.  Spread half of the batter into an ungreased 8″ square pan.  Spread the fruit over the batter.  Drop remaining batter in small mounds over all.  Top with the streusel mixture.

streusel topping:

1/4 cup flour

1/4 cup sugar

2 tablespoons butter

Mash together with your fingers until the mixture holds together.  Sprinkle over cake.  Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes, or until golden and a skewer comes out clean.  Serve warm.


Okay, so my cutting board isn’t looking too pretty right now.  It is berry and cherry stained, but please don’t let it deter you from making this sandwich because it’s delicious.  If you’re on the fence, I’ll even provide you with a testimonial: I didn’t know how well this sandwich would go over with the hubster (sometimes he’s picky), so I brought out a sample with the intention that he would take a bite and I’d eat the rest.  I interrupted him while he was trimming the yard, which didn’t make him happy, but his face lit up once he tasted it.  “This is good!”  he exclaimed, and then proceeded to eat the rest, even though I told him it was mine.  Sharing isn’t always his forte (he’s an only child), but it was a good sign and a source of laughter.  Hopefully you’ll like it, too.

Sliced bread

Bell pepper – roasted, peeled, and diced (broil until browned all over, use the technique in this recipe, or buy roasted peppers in a jar at the store)

onion marmalade (recipe below)

cream cheese, chevre, or a spreadable sheep’s milk (Valentine from Ancient Heritage is awesome!)

Onion Marmalade (adapted from the July 2009 issue of Sunset)

1 tablespoon each – butter and extra virgin olive oil

2 large red onions, thinly sliced

2 large cloves garlic, minced

1/8 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt (I used my favorite Alder Smoked Sea salt from Mountain Rose Herbs)

1 teaspoon black pepper

1/4 cup white Balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup white port or any other dry white wine

Melt the butter and oil in a large heavy frying pan over medium heat.  Add onions, garlic, sugar, salt, and pepper, stirring well to combine.  Cook until onions have softened and browned slightly, about ten minutes.  Add the vinegar and wine.  Cook, stirring occasionally, until most of the liquid has been absorbed, and the mixture is soft and sticky, about five to ten minutes.  Allow to cool.

Now make a sandwich.  The marmalade would taste great with a sharp cheddar and turkey or roast beef, too.


This is what kept today’s post on the back burner.  I’ve never embedded a video before and needed a little help, though, thankfully, not as much as I thought.  I am a college graduate, after all.  I took this last Friday afternoon.  I stood by the window for quite a while (though the video is only forty seconds), awed and delighted by the volume of the birdsong and the gentle patter of rain drops.  Milo is pretty cute too, cleaning his little toes.  The sight of it makes me so happy.

These are the twist ties used to bind the napkin and silverware at one of our favorite breakfast places, Broder.  It is always fun to make things with them while in eager anticipation of the food to come.  I’ve fashioned rings, hearts, single letters, waves, and Saturday, for the first time, words.

This is another one of my favorite sights, the hubster.  I, rather sneakily, took this photo after taking the one above.  Then it was time to eat:  the Pytti Panni for Greg – I think I’m spelling it right.  It is a yummy hash with bacon and pork and eggs over the top served with hearty walnut bread.  I had an utterly creamy and delicious tart with mushrooms and Meunster cheese with a nice green salad and a potato pancake, though, as I have turned into a total creature of habit, I kind of wished I had gotten my usual breakfast board instead – smoked trout, grapefruit, yogurt, cheese, and rye crisp.  There was coffee with cream too, of course, though decaf.  I’ve got too much energy for caffeine.  Seriously.

When I was a little girl and had pancakes for breakfast at a friend’s after sleeping over, I always wondered why their mom or dad’s version tasted so much different than my mom’s.  For the most part, they were exactly the same size, shape, and golden hue (though never as fluffy).  Additionally, the syrups tended to be the same, though sometimes I was surprised with a Mrs. Butterworth’s (fancy!) or in the case of Janet Womack’s mom, the use of plain corn syrup instead of the fake maple I was accustomed to.

Finally, after not being able to puzzle it out and always enjoying the pancakes at home over anywhere else (besides Grandpa’s – he used the same recipe), I asked my mom about it the next time she made them.  “Well,”  she said, “they probably use a mix and mine are from scratch.”  “Oh.”  “Yeah, it makes a big difference.”  Indeed it does.  Here is my variation on the recipe that makes a big difference, given to my mom by my Nana, my Grandpa’s mom.  I’ve also included myriad variations at the end – they’re all delicious.

Pancakes from Scratch

1 cup flour

pinch salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 egg, separated

1 cup milk

Sift dry ingredients together, set aside.  Add egg yolk to the milk in a measuring cup and stir.  Beat the egg white until it is stiff but not dry.  Mix the dry ingredients and the milk and egg yolk mixture together until smooth (do not over beat).  Gently fold in the egg white, doing your best not to deflate the mixture.  This gives the pancakes a wonderfully light texture.  I won’t insult your intelligence here.  You know how to do the rest.



This recipe makes about a dozen 3″ pancakes, though it is easily doubled or tripled.  You can also make a big batch and then freeze the leftovers for a quick weekday breakfast.  Lightly toast them and you’re good to go!


You can use any kind of milk here – soy, rice, oat, almond, hazelnut, buttermilk, whatever strikes your fancy.  Today’s photo actually used hemp milk.


I’ve used the Ener-G Egg Replacer with good results.  Since there is no yolk, just whip up the mixture like you would the egg white, though it won’t get as stiff.


Use the egg replacer along with the non-dairy milk of your choice.


I’ve made this recipe with brown rice flour, oat flour, whole wheat, all-purpose, buckwheat, gluten-free blends, and every combination.  The results have always been good, though if you go gluten-free or all whole wheat, I’d use more baking powder (1/4 teaspoon per cup of flour) for a little extra lift.

Blue Corn?

Use a mixture of one half corn meal (very fine masa, and it doesn’t have to be blue, though it is the prettiest!) and one half all-purpose flour (or equivalent).

Like Fruit?

Banana?  Mash up a banana (small to medium size) really well (or use a hand blender) and add to the milk mixture.  You can also slice it like the apple below, but make sure the pan is well oiled.  Bananas are sticky.

Apple?  Place a slice or two on the griddle just before pouring the batter over the top, or use 1/4 cup applesauce for every cup of flour.  You may need to cook them a little longer.  Add some cinnamon and ginger, too, they’ll be yummy!

Blueberries?  Add some to the batter, or if you suffer from Colleen style anal-retentiveness (eek!), evenly distribute a small handful over each pancake just after pouring the batter onto the griddle.

Fruit Syrup?

Mix whole berries, chopped fruit of virtually any variety (fresh or frozen, though not banana), or a combination into a sauce pan.  To that, add water or fruit juice (apple or white grape are good neutral flavors, orange for contrast), about 1/2 – 2/3 the volume of fruit.  Mix in some cornstarch (usually about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon for every cup of fruit) with sugar or whatever sweetener you use (to your liking) and heat until thick and bubbly.  Add a little vanilla or almond extract and butter.  You can also add a little ginger and/or cinnamon – especially good with plum, peach, and apple syrups.

Peanut Butter?

Spread some on your pancake just before pouring your favorite syrup over the top.  This is especially good with the banana variety.  Elvis would be proud, too!


Add 1/4 cup pureed pumpkin (canned or homemade) for every 1 cup of flour  along with cinnamon and ginger, and you’ve got a fall hit on your hands.  Sprinkle with toasted pecans and hot damn – delicious!


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