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A couple of weeks ago, the G-Man and I went out with our good friends Bridget and Eric, something we’d been wanting to do for ages, but every time we tried, it didn’t work out.  Wouldn’t you know that this was one of those last minute arrangements that comes together perfectly?  I love when life places all the little ducks in a row and I benefit from it.

Our first stop was Bridget’s mighty fine choice, the Gilt Club, where we enjoyed stellar service from an uber cute and funny waitress and a super fine happy hour menu (I love adjectives!):  A Moscow Mule (kapow!) served in the copper cup and an Appletini (made with real apple, no frightening neon green concoctions) were the beverage highlights.  We also got some delicious salads, cute mini burgers with drippy gruyere cheese and yummy fries, and  manchego cheese fritters that I insisted on calling cheese balls.  “Come on Eric, taste the balls, they’re delicious.”  I know, sometimes I’m beyond silly and bordering on impossible.  It’s my way.

After that, we walked two short blocks to the Augen Gallery where we enjoyed Morgan Walker’s exhibition Rodeo Combinations.  Here’s where I struggle a little bit to describe it:  Not quite whimsical, but there is certainly great humor in it (I laughed!).  I like how many of the paintings are a story for which the viewer chooses the length.  Gaze for a moment at the title and the composition and receive the Cliff’s Notes version.  Stand a bit longer and the the tale grows longer, more textured, and complex.  Speaking of texture, that’s something else I like about the paintings, I think he must load his brush with a lot of paint and then make very small brush strokes because the canvasses are not at all flat, but very much the topographical versions of the stories he’s telling.  Yet it’s not too much either.  There’s a subtlety to it.

One of the highlights, I might add, wasn’t even a painting, but a blueprint of thought.  Morgan, over a period of a year and a half,  wrote down connections between philosophy and surfing that included Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronald Reagan, Wittgenstein, and, of course, Gidget.  To say I was inspired is putting it mildly.  I love getting glimpses into people’s minds.

Finally, speaking of inspired, these are salads I made after the one that I had at the Gilt Club.  Their version didn’t have steak on it, but I needed some protein.  It is a mouth watering combination of baby greens, watercress, peas, shaved fennel, grapefruit, and pine nuts, tossed in a simple balsamic vinaigrette.  The post card is from Morgan’s show, and since it is called Rodeo Combinations, I’ve got to say, “Giddy-up!”

I bought some buttermilk for a recipe that I made for our party the weekend before last and had a lot left over, so I did my best to make use of it – buttermilk salad dressing, buttermilk pancakes, and these rather tasty blueberry muffins.  This recipe makes a dozen, and more if you’re like me and don’t fill the cups all the way.  They are muffins at their simple best, not too sweet, no crumb toppings or spices necessary – good for sharing with your best friend, feet up, enjoying the morning sun.

Blueberry Muffins

adapted from Martha Stewart Holiday Baking 2002

1 1/4 cups unsalted butter (I know – zowie!)

2 1/4 cups flour

2/3 cup sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons vanilla

2 eggs

3/4 cup buttermilk

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

Preheat oven to 350.  Grease or line muffin tin.  Place butter in a small saucepan and melt over low heat.  Allow to cool.  Sift dry ingredients into a large bowl.  Add the butter, vanilla, eggs, and buttermilk.  Stir just until combined.  The batter should be slightly lumpy.  Carefully fold in the berries.  Fill muffin cups completely.  Bake until golden, about 25-30 minutes.

Eat them while they are warm, if you can, and it will be a good morning indeed!

Also, a sugar update:  I had a bender about two weeks ago, eating two servings of rice pudding and some cake, along with samples of every cookie I baked for the party.  I also ate two of these muffins.  Oh golly to be perfectly steady in my saying no!  I suppose life is too sweet, in general, for that…

Something that I love about the life I share with Greg is the fact that we are just happy to be together.  Maybe it is the fact that we’ve been a couple for eighteen years, but we realize that there is so little we truly need from each other.  We are each our own source of happiness and joy, modified by the fact there is someone truly wonderful to cuddle with each night in bed.

We have no grand expectations or idealized versions of what our life should look like.  What we have is what we want and relish, every last bit:  being in the same room, listening to music, watching a movie, sharing a smile, a laugh, or, in this case, a meal.

This was our Sunday dinner.  Neither of us has ever outgrown the fish fillets of our youth.  So we baked some up, and I made tartar sauce and rosemary (fresh from the garden!) home fries to accompany them.  It certainly wasn’t anything gourmet, but, with his company, it sure felt like it.  Every bite was delicious.  A real treat!

Hello friends!

I thought I would give you a little update on my quest to give up sugar.  The verdict is pretty darn good!  Since I last wrote about it (five weeks ago tomorrow), I have had a bite of chocolate, a bite of peanut brittle, and in a far weaker moment, a slice of peach pie.  However, as karma and my conscience would have it, the pie was not so good.  The peaches were hard and the crust not up to snuff.  Even as I ordered it, I thought, “What are you doing?”  Life teaches us the way.

I think I told you that I had given up sugar before, even going for eight weeks once.  Those times, however, it was with a particular end date or goal in sight, then I could have more.  This time, I hope to just let it go.  I am actually quite surprised at how easy it feels.  It used to be that I would get a craving and fight, fight, fight it.  Then I would set a time limit.  Okay, Colleen, you think you want it now, so why not wait an hour or two and see what happens?  I’ll tell ya – when the inner timer went off, I scrambled to the kitchen to make cookies, a cake, a pie, or sometimes, when we were out of the usual ingredients, a weird concoction only an addict would enjoy.

I wish I could say exactly what button has been pressed to make me lose the obsessive feeling, but I can’t.  Now, I am enjoying fruit – fresh or dried, and when I feel a little more desperate, which thankfully isn’t that often, a glass of chocolate hemp milk (I’m also consuming very little dairy) sweetened with agave nectar or brown rice syrup.  Just in case you are wondering, I haven’t replaced the sugar with artificial sweeteners either.  For one, the ingredients terrify me – chlorinated sugar?  Um, no thanks.  Two, I’ve never liked the taste, so in the foods where I used to sprinkle sugar, like my morning bowl of grains, I use a little agave and some sort of fruit – my current favorite is dried blueberry.  Yum.

I really like the ripple effect of this change.  I know I’m doing something good for my body.  I’ve lost weight, feel stronger, have more energy, and feel that my usual effervescence and love for creation is heightened.  I sleep less without feeling groggy or crabby.  The best part, however, is not having the feeling that I am missing something.  I have all I need, and that includes you, my blog friends.  Thanks for sharing the journey.

XO –


How’s that for a bit of illiteration?  Even better is the crispy kale itself.  Sorry, the above picture does not actually contain any, but I thought I’d at least try to make your mouth water a little.  That was dinner on Saturday, Mediterranean style – beef with a sherry reduction, sauteed onion and jalapeno, hummus made with butter beans because we were out of garbanzos (try it – yum!), and assorted crunchiness including pickles that I made last summer.  Gosh they’re good.

Anyway, to the crispy kale.  I saw this recipe while I was rowing in the basement.  Jacques Pepin made some on his More Fast Food My Way.  I was very intrigued and luckily had some kale in the fridge.

1 small bunch kale, ribs removed, and torn into 2″ pieces

olive oil


Preheat your oven to 250.  Toss the kale in enough olive oil to lightly coat it, then sprinkle with salt.  Place a rack on a baking sheet and evenly distribute the kale.  Do your best to make sure the pieces don’t overlap because where they do, it won’t be as crispy.  We want crispy!

Place the pan in the oven and bake for 25 minutes.  The kale will shrink up and get very dark.  Remove from the oven.  Your choice here – start snacking or wait until cool.  We went to town the moment we took them out.  Lighter than a chip, crispy, and crazy good!  Unless you have multiple racks and baking sheets to make more than one batch, the bummer part is that it is devoured within minutes.  Enjoy!

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