
You are currently browsing the archive for the Friendship category.

This scene, Oak Island on Sauvie Island and not an island at all, just the grandest stand of ancient oaks surrounded by a waist high carpet of green, sent my heart agallop. This neck of the woods always borders on the sublime, immense and filled with every possible wonder. A leafy raw azure, the rustle of brush, and my hand skimming the grass.

Out with my friend Laura and her dog Chipper. No pet of my acquaintance more thoroughly lives up to his name. Smiling, leaping, bounding, tongue lolling, and tail wagging, I felt constantly buoyed by his lively presence. Not that I needed it! At every turn, I filled with such delight at my place on this patch of damp earth. Bird song and Laura who knew every single call! Oriole! Spotted Towhee! Savannah Sparrow! Bewick’s Wren! Black Headed Grosbeak!

All was lovely, bright and happy as new pennies and this fairy house. Momentarily empty, her occupants surely observing us from the brush.

One stupendous view after another, Sturgeon Lake and Mount Saint Helens.

And this pastoral scene, repeated again and again, a myriad of cows moseying and baying and regarding us with equal curiosity. A fine morning it was. Thank you Laura and Chipper for inviting me along!


Hello! It’s been a while! Thank you so very much for all of your kind words of support and love about my surgery. I am one lucky gal, surrounded by the most marvelous and caring people, including the hubster’s mom, Martha, here for the week to help out. I’ve gotten flowers, a lovely plant, spectacular meals, texts, sweets, and every manner of treat, in person and from afar. Boy howdy, does it make my recovery a little less difficult to be bouyed by so much love! A million thanks!

As for the surgery, it went swimmingly. So much so that I was released from the hospital that day! Compared to my last surgery, this is a piece of cake. I have spent the majority of the last six days incredibly sore and in bed, and for the first couple of days only able to get out with much help from the hubster. Now, I am fully mobile, and as of yesterday, without pain medication, able to get dressed by myself, go up stairs, and leave the house without complications, though not without major fatigue. Errands are hard work, peeps!

And so is blogging! So forgive me for my brevity while I take a s l o w stroll around the block to clear my head.

My care giver extraordinaire, taken while I was in bed, of course. He is truly the best!







One Community is a monthly project in which participants photograph their homes and community with a theme in mind. The goal is to both showcase similarities and differences in our communities worldwide – and bring us all closer together in understanding through art.

Why don’t you join us? It’s fun! Post one or more photos for each of this month’s theme words, spring, flowers, purple, and rise, and add your blog post to the link-up. Easy! It begins today, April 5th, and stays open for one week.

ALSO, if you are a planner, here are our words for May, chosen by Sue at No Bad Days: five, mother, recipe, and remember.

Snap happy!


Leftover roasted green beans and homemade pizza.

The hubster says the pizza is the best in town. I agree.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cake. I added dried cherries and a cherry frosting. Also pretty great.

Crazy light during a pouring rain. There has been much of this!

William Temple House

in rainbows

Walking the labyrinth with some of my best pals. Hi Bert’s shoes! Hullo lovely Lori! And the hubster sallied too, of course, he is the best of the best.

Korean Spice Viburnum

Non sequitur:

Head over to Yardsss Bandcamp website and have a listen to Foma 3 or the whole shebang if you have the time.

It is most Excellent!


They aren’t just for April.


Moss slows the world to a crawl.


Ferns, moss, fairy dusted mushrooms, and look out below – the hubster sports a rather riotous clash.


Paris turned nineteen yesterday, which is a whopping ninety-two in human years and older than my Grandma! She had a scary week, mysteriously unable to walk at the time this photo was taken. She rebounded after a confusing and meow-filled couple of days, which included an oddly humorous sideways walk, though she remains a bit wobbly. Proof that our long-standing joke about her living forever is precisely that, a joke.

One Community is a monthly project in which participants photograph their homes and community with a theme in mind. The goal is to both showcase similarities and differences in our communities worldwide – and bring us all closer together in understanding through art.

Why don’t you join us? It’s fun! Post one or more photos for each of this month’s theme words, chosen by Sarah, shower, calm, green, and friendship, and add your blog post to the link-up. Easy! It begins today, March 5th, and stays open for one week.

Snap happy!


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