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One Community is a monthly photo project in which participants photograph their homes and community with a theme in mind. The theme varies by month. The goal is to both showcase similarities and differences in our communities worldwide – and bring us all closer together in understanding through art.

Would you like to join us? All you need to do is post one or more photos for each of the theme words, gratutude, fun, blue, and home, and add your blog post to the link-up. Easy! It begins today, November 5th, and stays open for one week.

Snap happy!



a gift for a sweet friend – succulents in an Altoid Smalls tin


homemade oreos



Fifteen feet up a wild apple tree, picking, shaking, and laughing.

One Community is a monthly photo project in which participants photograph their homes and community with a theme in mind. The theme varies by month. The goal is to both showcase similarities and differences in our communities worldwide – and bring us all closer together in understanding through art.

Starting this month, anyone can participate! All you need to do is post one or more photos for each of the theme words, this month’s chosen by Kara of Sunshine Cupcakes, and add your blog post to the link-up. Please include a link back to the link-up post. The link-up begins today, October 5th, and stays open for one week.

Won’t you join us?



You know how sometimes you procrastinate by doing other things? This is that post.

I really ought to be gathering my thoughts on a story that’s been furiously bubbling, one that a friend is reading for feedback SOON, but goll-ee, that is one heck of a pile of laundry, dirty table, and messy closet.

Then, wowie, that Jerry Seinfeld and his Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is one of the best things ever, cars! I really do need to watch all of the episodes twice, and then those with Ricky Gervais and Joel Hodgson three times; because it is hilarious to see caustic Ricky in terror and calling Jerry a young king (say what you will about Hitler…), and Joel is not only smart and funny, but reminds me of my friend Michael (Hey, miccha!), whom I miss.

I tried these sunglasses (Fendi FS5101L) as a joke and loved them. I also love turquoise. Watch out, Iris Apfel!

I really like the composition of this photo, despite my cave woman feet. They keep getting w i d e r . . .

Golden raisin and fennel seed scones. I love this combination, which is pretty European, I think, because most people look at me like I am nuts when I mention it. I AM nuts, but this is different.

Soak a lot of raisins (1/3 cup?) and seeds (two tablespoons?) in a few tablespoons of bourbon for a bit before folding them into your favorite recipe. They do not taste boozy, which may or may not be a problem. The hubster had this reaction:

“I’m making scones.”

Wide eyed, “Awesome!”

“With golden raisins and fennel seeds soaked in bourbon.”

“Oh, well, I guess that might be okay.”

Flash forward thirty minutes and he’d turned into Homer Simpson, “Nom, nom, nom!” You might be surprised, too.

When I am grumpy or sad, this is some of the best medicine around, my avian friends bathing and chirping and gobbling food at the feeder or from the sunflowers giving their last gasps, near-empty seed heads like flotsam on the ground.

Oh, and thinking about hockey. We just bought tickets to a game. Go Hawks!

My friend Susan and I went shopping the other day, and besides the pleasure of her lovely company, we found this bit of awesome on the back of a jumpsuit, maybe like Elvis in training.


Lobster Mushrooms with Chorizo and Parmesan Foam


Churros with Hot Chocolate Dipping Sauce

Isn’t it wonderful to have friends?

Last night, I rode my bicycle downtown to meet the hubster for dinner, and, quite likely, our last warm evening ride of the year. We went to Ataula, our new favorite tapas place, which, as it happens, is exactly where our old favorite place used to be, so there was no real need to lament the change, even though I did a little when I saw the space in the midst of renovations.

It is fantastic, with a very knowledgeable and friendly staff, and especially the chef, who personally made sure I got a bathroom key and came to our table while we were eating the lobster mushrooms (from Mt. Hood!) and chorizo with parmesan foam. We were the first to taste it besides him, and he wanted to make sure it was all that.  It really was! And come on, a place with churros and hot chocolate dipping sauce? The height of splendor, peeps, the height! Plus, there was pink bubbly wine and that smile. Jeepers. I am one lucky gal.

More luck in the form of timing. We rode to Chapman just in time to watch the Swifts! It was amazing and awe inspiring. Nature, I am in love with you!

Our route home took us down the Esplanade, where a multitude of like minded runners, walkers, and cyclists in shirtsleeves basked in the warm evening glow, of the moon and buzzing fluorescents. There were photographers with tripods, film makers, one man deep in conversation with Vera, and the awesome hush of reverence that this glorious city inspires. Portland, you are a gem.

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At six this morning, I awoke to dark skies; and later, while outside hanging laundry, a flock of southbound geese skimmed the neighborhood treetops. Change is coming, velvety green grass and skies plum full of drowsy clouds – gunmetal, granite, pearl, with their slow drips, drops, and drizzles. Rain. I love rain, the gleam of light on wet pavement, the gumbo of saturated earth, the sweet tang of sodden leaves. Fall. Winter. Spring. But the all-day dark that chills and creeps under my spirit cloak to weigh me d-o-w-n, that is harder to bear. So I grasp summer with both hands, and we shimmy and spin, skirts fluttering in the golden slant of sun beams. There is raucous laughter, much singing, and the hush of reverence all at once, everything at once: light, whispering wind, parched grass, and lovers holding hands. The last of the blooming flowers, a girl on a scooter, a boy screaming, and me, watching. I am alive. Leaves are falling into fall, summer’s fingertips slipping through mine.

So one last hike before another, I hope: Wahkeena Falls with Bert and Lori (Hi friends!). That’s the biggest slug I’ve ever seen. Then there were the ladies I regret not asking for a picture. A pair of old friends and cute and fit as can be, aged eighty-nine and ninety-two, hiking the trail. I hope that when I am old, I will be as sweet and generous and bright-eyed and have a friend who will hike with me to the falls. Oh! and that fourth picture down, of water with a white stripe? A giant salmon swimming upstream! There were many! The wonder of creation and I witnessed it with my own eyes.

Oh my goodness, how life is good, great, excellent – every single day!



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