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New Mexican Black Dog. Maybe not technically a breed but the most accurate description of our girl. She is most likely a Kelpie – Cattle Dog mix, but we’re happy to let the mystery linger.

What we DO know – that she loves all that is important in a dog’s life –  to hike and walk and eat and cuddle and play. Oh, and dig holes (grrr…) and run, especially after rabbits and squirrels.


Drumroll please…..We went for a walk on Wednesday! Our first together since December 14th. How cute are my walking companions, by the way? The hubster looking handsome in a new coat (his old one so well loved that it ripped right apart), and Juniper Beaulah – eyes closed to the warmth of the sun. As for me, I am not quite footloose and fancy free, but I did make it all the way around the block, so footloose-ish. With a bit of luck and continued healing, I may just be able to walk without a gimp and in an actual shoe after January 24th. Fingers crossed!

Also, my apologies if you came here thinking I was going to have photos of Kevin Bacon in one of my least favorite movies OF ALL TIME. Ugh. Sorry 80s fans. You can’t win ’em all.

This beautiful sight was my reward. A rain storm rolling on in, which is kind of wacky for Colorado in January and made me totally nostalgic for Portland. I do miss me some winter rain. Quite a lot, actually.

Rain soaked streets on our way to a fabulous dinner with friends at Pho Brothers. Good grief, do I love that place!

Happy Friday!


For reasons unknown, Miss Juniper Beulah no longer enjoys lounging on the couch with us come evening. She jumps up, lies down for a minute, looks nervously about, and promptly dashes to other territory. She WILL, however, quite happily, lie on the bed all the live-long day if given the opportunity. So, on book reading and software writing nights when we are keen on her company, we forgo the living room and hop into bed for family cuddles. I tackle my giant pile of magazines, which, frugal gal that I am, are nearly all from the library – my favorite Womankind and Sunset the fine exceptions; Juniper licks, wiggles, and farts; and the hubster type, type, types like a fat little pigeon (Cows!). It is very, very nice.

They taste like apples! Teeny-tiny apples.



Jeffie, my brother from another mother and game for practically anything pal. We ate waaaaay more delicious food than we ought (this is at The Warehouse – I had the pork belly. WOW!!). We also volunteered at GameCon (FUN!), talked our throats sore, hiked, walked, geocached, played with Juni B., watched a movie, and generally basked in each other’s company. Here’s to twenty-eight years of good times. Huzzah!

We also drove to Denver where my parents watched Juniper while we saw our dear friend’s daughter perform in Mary Poppins at the Northglenn Community Center (You can still buy tickets). The costumes! The voices! Especially Mary Poppins, hers was divine. And the weather – winter.fall.spring.summer – what a week!

Dog Days

There’s a dog on the bed! Only on the sheets, never on the bedspread, because dirty paws. The things we tell ourselves….


Shout Out

To my LGBTQ, Native, Black, Asian, Latino & Latina, Muslim, Jewish, Indian, Disabled brothers and sisters: I see you. I honor and respect you and our differences. I am, in my sometimes very quiet way, fighting for you and the rights of us ALL. We can do this!

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