Gardening + Nature

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Taking it all in…

My latest artistic endeavor – this will be a bookmark and will not have the white bit at the top. So far, so good.

Amazing how wee bites of artichoke can fill a person up. Or, maybe it’s the butter…

Frost and burning fog always make for a pretty picture or two.

Yours truly


Something strange happened here – kinda cool!

It’s a crazy beautiful black and white morning – Colorado Springs hushed and slow to welcome the day.

Happy Halloween!


Oh, the chill we’ve had as of late! But how a pretty frosted landscape makes braving the icy winds worth it.

Cuddling with my favorite newborn!

Made this beautiful cheesecake (those are vanilla bourbon apples on top) in celebration of the little one’s parents and grammie visiting. I gilded the lily by dousing it in caramel sauce. No one complained.


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Wednesday morning welcome –  a most delightful change in the weather.

And then yesterday, velvet fog, which will, forever and always, be the softest Portland mornings, waking up cold and happy in a blanket of mist.


And just because – a little Stevie Ray Vaughn. Sometimes I need more guitar…


The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.

Joseph Campbell

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