Gardening + Nature

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Colorado Springs lay shrouded in fog the whole of the day yesterday, with whimsical wisps of snow falling here and there. I wish I could have been a bird soaring over the frosted flake tree tops. This will have to do.

And this? It is on in the basement, peeps. New floor installation begins in t-minus twenty-five minutes. Bathroom shower pan is repaired and awaiting tile. Rotten walls removed. Hubster is repairing the sub-par wiring. Finished basement (save new windows) by the end of February? I want to believe!

Palmer Park – a ten minute walk to paradise.

Mountain Mohagany and the loveliest winter light.

My Mom feeds her neighborhood pig and she (he?) smiles with gratitude.

g l o w

Our favorite canine. Not ours, but loved still. Go, Jimbo, go!






2016 was a beast of a year. We moved into our sweet ranch on March 1st and plowed through the upstairs remodel as though our lives depended upon it. Which it did. Our comfortable lives, anyway. We did not want to wash dishes from a giant bowl while kneeling in the nasty basement shower for one moment longer than necessary or cooking on a wobbly ikea table in the laundry room, though we did it for three months. Oy. Like camping, only in a basement. When organizing a kitchen space, it is said that the most efficient layout is a triangle. The hubster laughed, “Ours was a pyramid – sink in the basement bath, burner and toaster oven in the laundry, refrigerator in the dining room!”

And then there was the floor, the complete gut of the kitchen and bathroom, painting every last wall – upstairs and down, painting the doors, too, replacing every light fixture and adding four more, because L I G H T. Installing bookshelves in the living room and drying racks in the basement, because our clothes have never tumbled in a dryer. Digging, planting, assembling, destroying, dumping, and building. Do it. Do it again. Yeah, that was us.  Wide eyed. Diligent. Exhausted.

And then there was that bit of soul searching. You saw it. Maybe it frightened you. Maybe it got you thinking. Who do we allow into our lives? The people we strive to be.  The kind. The joyous. The affectionate. What about bullshit and drama? Little, dear reader. Very little. We have had plenty. Thankfully not from each other. Glory be. We are solid pillars, leaning somewhat toward center. Better to hear a whisper. For lips to graze a cheek. For laughing eyes to dance together. Better, better, better.

So today, this hike an invocation for 2017. Embracing and inviting all that is out in the open, all that is unseen. Fox and coyote and pronghorn. Wee, small birds. Prairie dogs. Rabbits. US admiring the peace, the beauty, the wonder of the world. Standing our ground.












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