Gardening + Nature

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Happy Birthday, Chris!



velvety herald of summer

and lofty dreams.

Lie among bees,


and flies.

Hum and buzz,


by nectar and scent,

light in my eyes,

and magic, that always.

You are there, too,

presence as gentle as the bees

and more sweet, more mine,

dare I say?

Gaze upon the miracle,

waiting for nothing,

wanting summer food,

a hot dog

and a pile of potato chips,


and you,

to share it all with me.

Colleen Sohn


…it is sunny and breezy and lovely outside. There were a few tiny-sweet wild strawberries to munch, the peonies are blooming, the spiderwort, too, oh, and foxgloves!

I am recovering from a whirlwind trip to Denver to see friends and family, barely sleep, and drive my rental car 384 miles! So bear with me a bit longer while I gather my wits.

Have a super weekend!

Travel Aftermath

(the latter is also a great Rolling Stones album)

Drinking kombucha, not beer…

This is what it looks like in the garden this morning, the ceanothus a veritable explosion of purple and teeming with bees, the peonies near blooming, grass that heavenly shade of green.

Paris makes her rounds, squinting at the bright light while Milo chases squirrels, coming perilously close. Though when I ask what he would actually DO with an arboreal rat, he gives me that empty look and sulks off like the teenager he is.

The iris are blooming, and the wild strawberries run riot over the south yard.

I love Spring…


Hello beautiful.

A Cooper’s Hawk, I think, come for breakfast.

In this yard, everyone eats.

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