To be overpowered by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.
Beverly Nichols
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To be overpowered by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.
Beverly Nichols
Tags: Quoting
The Portland Chinese Classical Garden, in celebration of ten years in the heart of the city and the changing of its name to Lan Su (Garden of Awakening Orchids), offered free admission for ten days, starting after the new year. The hubster and I took advantage, as we hadn’t visited the garden since it’s inaugural season. It was as beautiful and tranquil as I remembered, and quite thankfully, they limited the number of people in at a time, so it did didn’t feel at all crowded, save in the line out front.
The flow of water creates the unique shape of a Lake Tai Rock.
The dragonfish swallows all evil influences and protects the building from fire.
I have always admired paths like these, so beautiful and precisely laid. And, just in case you were wondering, no one stepped on my blue suede shoes.
Bamboo is a friend of winter, bending in storms, but not breaking – a reminder of perseverance.
The Chinese believe that a view within a view creates the illusion of infinite space.
The Yin reflection of the sky is mirrored on the Yang of the earth below.
I have always loved this sign, but it would not be our final stop for lunch.
Being who we are, we decided an Irish meal at Kells was on order. Fish and chips (the BEST), soup, and salad.
And, of course, a little Guinness, too, with hard cider to make a Snakebite. A fine winter day.
Hey brother. Happy Birthday!
Tags: Portland, Restaurants
Yesterday was a great day. I felt the strongest I have had since my surgery. Feeling rather invigorated, I walked around the block twice without any discomfort and lifted some light weights. I could even shimmy well enough that I decided I would be fit to drive today. It didn’t matter where – the grocery store, lunch, anywhere. I was determined to get in the car and G-O. Too bad my body had other plans, for, despite a very good night’s sleep and a lovely bath this morning, I am exhausted, mentally and physically. I can only stand for brief periods without feeling woozy, and my large incision feels as though someone has taken a rather dull needle to sew it up again. On top of that, even though my narcotics consumption is limited to one pain pill when I go to bed, my mind is very much like mush. What the heck happened?
Then I saw all the splendor out in the garden and came upon this quotation by Ben Okri:
“Don’t depair too much if you see beautiful things destroyed. Because the best things are always growing in secret.” Suddenly, I felt better. Not like I could drive or miraculously be pain free, but lighter in spirit, because I know this is true.
For those of you who haven’t visited our red roofed house, we have an old fence surrounding the back yard, nearing the end of it’s life in several places. Next to this fence is the rocky area where we park the Subaru and, despite our best efforts, cultivate many species of dandelion, clover, and vetch. I am the first to admit that it isn’t the prettiest sight to see. But duck under the low apple branches and open the gate and there is loveliness in every corner: flowers blooming, food growing, birds chirping, and bees zooming.
Then I thought of my own precious body and the secrets it’s keeping from me, even when I feel destroyed. It is healing and growing in its own time and its own way. I need only patiently wait, and all will be revealed.