Gardening + Nature

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Today was the first time this year it’s been over seventy degrees in Portland and boy was it glorious!  The sun made me feel energized, getting all manner of tasks done – laundry, weeding, cleaning house.  Ahh, everything is easier when it is warm.  Some highlights…

Clothes on the line and cushions on the furniture…

The spirea and maple budding to life…

Solar light and gazing globe in the garden – a sure sign of spring!  The peonies are coming up, too…

Cats and people enjoying the sun…

The scent of daffodils and hyacinth filling the house.  Thanks Martha and Alan…

I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

When my friend Andy, an ex-pat from England, called our parking strip the verge, I had no idea what he was talking about.  I thought I’d misheard him, that he was on the verge of something, but what?  Then I figured it out and decided I liked the sound of it.

This is our verge.  I am rather fond of how it has turned out, as it was a mess of weeds with occasional sprouts of grass before.  Though parking in front of it can be rather tricky.  Do you want to get out on the passenger side?  Well, you’ll need to go there, but not too far or you’ll hit the tree with your door, or get scratched by a shrub.  I guess that’s kind of good, too – keeps out the riff-raff!

It is a happy place for many a non-human and human alike.  The bees love the tea tree shrubs (tall with the white flowers), the sedum, the catmint, and the caryopteris (green shrubs) when they are in bloom.  Many a kitty-cat lovingly nudges and takes bites out of the catmint, and the birds have a veritable fiesta with all the little bugs and seeds hiding in the greenery.  I am partial to the general loveliness of it and the fact that none of the plants need watering (three cheers!).  I hope you like it too.

Have a great day…


So, this is what I wore on Friday  – a wool turtleneck sweater and a wool jacket.  I was still cold.  Friday was June 6th.  As you can imagine, I was awfully disappointed.

On a happier note, here is our little Princess Buttercup.  Look at that sweet face!  She is lying in the cat house Gregory made.  The cats were not actually using it, and I thought we should get rid of it, but then, whaddya know?  The little miss suddenly had to take a nap in it.  So, it stays.  Cutie.

Finally, how gorgeous is this sky?  We had a bit of luck yesterday, sunny and warm enough to work outside all day.  This was my present as I sat in the back yard to admire the fruits of our labor.  I weeded, trimmed a couple trees and bushes, cut up branches, dead-headed the iris, and made some peony bouquets for the neighbors, so nice after Friday’s turtleneck disappointment.

Gregory mowed the lawn, did some painting, finished a brick border, and made a little door in the north side of our fence for the cats.  Really, the cat, Paris, because she has an awfully hard time getting back into the yard once she’s exited from the door made expressly for her on the south side.  Why a little door?  Well, that cute kitty from the photo above does not scale fences, no siree, not becoming of a princess, I suppose.  Anyway, she must have thought that the first door was exit only because she would cry and cry in the front  or by the north gate to let her in.  As soon as we showed her the new spot, she went around and around the house in a loop at least four times.  I was weeding on one side and Gregory was laying bricks on the other and we would holler with delight at each other, “Here she is again!”

It’s the small things…


Mary Poppins?!  No, peonies!  I figured that after a post about rejection I’d better write something cheery.  Nobody likes too much gloom, particularly moi.  Eek!  That just made me think of Miss Piggy and how she’d draw it out, moooiii?!  I never liked her, a bit too selfish for my taste.  Poor Kermie.


Anyway, I digress.  This afternoon, after cancelling this morning because it was pouring buckets, then thinking I might go on Saturday, and calling my friend Bridget twice, I finally went to the peony farm.  I made a little pit stop in Tualatin to pick up my bestest buddy Gregory, and we were on our way!  The skies were grey and wind chilling, but it did not rain, thank goodness.

I was not disappointed, but I don’t need to tell you that.  Look at these delightful blooms!  Row upon row of beautiful flowers in many colors and hues – a veritable feast for the eyes!  Had there not been such a breeze, I would have wandered around a bit more taking in their gorgeousness and a few more pictures.  I know that I’m gushing, but I looove peonies (though the G-Man was pretty impressed too).  They are neck and neck with Poppies in my favorite flower horse race.  Still in the race, but a bit behind are dahlias, lilac, and lavender.  Pur-dee.

For the locals, Adelman’s is about a 45-50 minute drive from my house, so it requires a little planning, but, if you like peonies, it is well worth it.  The people are super nice and helpful and, as I’ve already said, the selection is fantastic, especially if you are particular in a Goldilocks or Sally Albright kind of way.   Here’s what I want – a red, a true red, nothing pinky-red, but nothing too ‘bomb’ like either, or too frilly, and nothing that needs staking.  Thankfully, I didn’t need to verbalize this to anyone except Gregory, because after fifteen years, he’s okay with my idiosynchrasies.  We just wandered until I found one that was just right (and then two more).  They even gave me a bouquet of Sunny Girl and some fertilizer to thank me for my purchase.   How nice is that?

As an aside for all of you who might entertain the idea of taking along someone who might not be the greatest fan of the beloved peony – just across the overpass is a perfect roadside restaurant called the Chalet that is good for bribing.  We noshed on a Philly French Dip and a Turkey sandwich with gravy and cranberry sauce before gilding the lily with a slice of coconut meringue and peach pie.  That’ll do pig, that’ll do.

And what, you might ask, did I buy before all the eating?  A Coral Charm, Buckeye Belle, and Bartzella, but, silly me, I neglected to take a single photo of them.  I assure you, they are lovely, just lovely.  I can’t wait to cut a bouquet next summer.  Thank you Adelman Gardens Peony Farm!


Meet my little friend Hans.  I used to think that the only people who owned these were the cute, but a little kooky, old ladies at the grocery that, now that I think about it, may take their make-up tips from guys just like him.  Their lips are rosy and they apply a bit too much rouge.  And I do mean rouge – ladies of a certain age don’t call it blush.

But now I am one of them, minus the rouge.  It started with Sven, my terra cotta gnome bought at IKEA with my friend Sarah.  She looked at me like I was nuts.  You want to buy that??  I did indeed, even if she and several other people since have found a strong resemblance between him and the male anatomy.  He’s cute, and I like him.  Besides, I’m a big girl.  I can take it.

So, two more facts you may not have known.  I have garden gnomes, and I name them.  Kooky!

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