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Say hello to our intrepid traveler! She was sooo very good, everywhere we went – restaurants, wine tastings, parks, book stores, hotels and homes, jaunts high and low. Juniper Beulah, our world champion of sweet adorableness, making friends and melting hearts. Good girl!

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You must not ever stop being whimsical.

Mary Oliver


Happy 24th Wedding Anniversary to US!

Driving north Friday afternoon, May 19th. May 19th, snowy Colorado cold, my heart cratered and crushed, the talented and beautiful Chris Cornell dead and gone, and me and the hubster with tickets to a Soundgarden show that will never come to be. Life is full of surprises, some magical in their beauty, some terribly sad.

And these photos, taken in my grandparents neighborhood, which, save a Halloween when I was a wee child and have zero recollection, I had never really walked. So, many thanks to Ms. Juni B., without whom we never would have had reason to so thoroughly explore and spy a Wiley Coyote live and in person. What a privilege!

There was much that brought us north – a party to celebrate the son of a bestie graduating from high school (woot!), my own sweet nephew’s graduation (double woot!), and to spend time with my Grandpa. My Grandpa who is ninety-three and has cancer tendrils winding ever more thoroughly through his body. My Grandpa who now needs an oxygen snake following him about the house. My Grandpa who cries tenderly over the loss of my Grandma and looks with love and bewilderment at her beautiful face at every stage of her life. My Grandpa who I spoil with chocolates and his favorite home made meals – hollandaise with roasted asparagus, biscuits and gravy, and take out from our favorite (and BEST) tamale place – Moreno’s on Morrison Road – red, always, always red. We don’t speak of the inevitable, but it hovers and dances while we laugh and listen to our favorite songs.


For Troy

For Troy

Who is laying his child to rest today

Bright and beautiful and kind

Runner, reader, friend

All but twenty-one.

My meager arms are as big and wide as Texas,

Embracing you from afar.

Sending love, hope, and comfort –

Mere drops to your ocean of grief.

Play Date

Look at our girl, the sweetest and most cuddly badass in the land! We worried that she and Jimbo wouldn’t like each other, but much to our delight, they were fast friends, playing like old pals within minutes. Though he has the endurance of a Husky and is forty pounds heavier, they are pretty evenly matched. They played for an hour and a half yesterday morning, darting, rolling, running, jumping, two of the happiest creatures in the universe, right in our back yard. Near the end of their date, when Jimbo would return to the stoop to pant by my side, Juniper literally ran circles around us, eager eyed, head held high. Come on guys, you aren’t tired, are you?

When I imagine her life before being rescued, the difficult days of a skinny (13 pounds lighter than today) and sick and pregnant pup, I am beyond grateful to know all of that is behind her, that I saw her cute face in a photo and set her world and ours to rights. She no longer has to scrounge for a meal or a safe place to rest. She is our Juniper Beulah, beloved and playful and free.


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