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Play Date

Look at our girl, the sweetest and most cuddly badass in the land! We worried that she and Jimbo wouldn’t like each other, but much to our delight, they were fast friends, playing like old pals within minutes. Though he has the endurance of a Husky and is forty pounds heavier, they are pretty evenly matched. They played for an hour and a half yesterday morning, darting, rolling, running, jumping, two of the happiest creatures in the universe, right in our back yard. Near the end of their date, when Jimbo would return to the stoop to pant by my side, Juniper literally ran circles around us, eager eyed, head held high. Come on guys, you aren’t tired, are you?

When I imagine her life before being rescued, the difficult days of a skinny (13 pounds lighter than today) and sick and pregnant pup, I am beyond grateful to know all of that is behind her, that I saw her cute face in a photo and set her world and ours to rights. She no longer has to scrounge for a meal or a safe place to rest. She is our Juniper Beulah, beloved and playful and free.


Puppy Love

We love you, Juniper Beulah!


Say hello to our new girl! We have been wanting a dog for a while, but with all the work on the house and feeling like we needed a bit of down time, we thought we would wait a bit. Then the stars, as they often do, had other ideas. I saw her sweet face online (L.O.L.A.’s Rescue) and that was that. We submitted our paperwork about ten days ago, and she came home with us yesterday.

Her first two years could hardly be called wonderful. She was found sick and alone, emaciated and pregnant in Gallup, New Mexico (of course our girl would be from NM) late last year. Despite this, she is a lover! Sweet and cuddly and, not surprisingly, based on her history, quite an eater, gobbling each morsel like it may be her last. We are so happy to have her here with us and look with delight upon our future together.

Now to her name, because you know it’s not just a name: Juniper, for the hubster and I hiking and gathering berries, fragrant and sweet with our love of the West. Beulah, strange and old fashioned, I know, but you’ll be converted to it’s wonder, I hope, upon reading this passage from John Bunyan’s A Pilgrim’s Progress:

Now I saw in my dream, that, by this time, the pilgrims were got over the Enchanted Ground, and entering in the country of Beulah, whose air was very sweet and pleasant; the way lying directly through it, they solaced themselves there for a season. Yea, here they heard continually the singing of birds and saw every day the flowers appear in the earth, and heard the voice of the turtle in the land.

In this country the sun shines night and day: wherefore this was beyond the Valley of the Shadow of Death; and also out of the reach of Giant Despair; neither could they from this place so much as see Doubting Castle. Here they were within sight of the City they were going to, also here met them some of the inhabitants thereof; for in this land the Shining Ones commonly walked, because it was upon the borders of heaven.

And I feel, too, like our Paris and Milo are meowing their approval down from kitty heaven. They have a new sister!

Juniper Beulah. Juni B. when we want to mix it up.

Good Monday to you, dear reader. Hello from Saturday’s March on Colorado Springs, where seriousness and a bit of levity walked in harmony. We represented pretty well for a smaller sized city, with about 7,000 women, men, children, and pooches marching proudly for a shared love of our fine nation, the rights of ALL people, and the sacredness of our one Mother Earth. Praise be!

Some highlights:

The black mother and her children, walking with signs that said, “I MATTER!” and the myriad people giving them the thumbs-up.

I (and many others) thanked every police officer present for helping keep everything orderly and safe. Their response? “Thank you!”

The sweet family handing out bagels. The hubster and I shared one. YUM!

The girl gazing at the crowd in awe and exclaiming, “This makes me so happy!”

The signs: The Fempire Strikes Back :: Don’t Tread on My Rights :: I’m Here for the Women! :: Girls Just Want to Have Fundamental Rights :: My Daughters Deserve Better :: A Woman’s Place is in the Resistance.

Our signs were less creative, but no less sincere: Power to the Peaceful! :: Justice * Equality * Prosperity – FOR ALL.

For those who share the opinions of Christy and Chondra on Facebook who felt the march was foolish and are privileged enough to live with security, comfort, and choice, I pray that, should your bubble ever burst, you fall gently on the shoulders of those marching for the rights of us ALL and not in the pit so many of our less fortunate brothers and sisters are currently attempting to climb from.

We are peaceful people who marched to send a clear message to the Administration. We will not normalize misogyny or sexual violence. We will not normalize racism. We will not normalize homophobia. We will not normalize xenophobia. We will not normalize blatant lies disguised as “alternative facts.” Period.

And a final word on No. 45. If he honestly exhibited respect for truth and dignity and TRUE Christian values, I would gladly support him. Over his 70 years on the planet, he has only demonstrated otherwise.


Taking the pictures for that last post and walking around our house fills me with joy. We did this! We surround ourselves with meaningful objects. Some of them blend perfectly together, others are like a mix tape of all my favorite singers and bands, so very different individually but wonderful together, too. Every single one has a story. Here are these, starting from the top.

The Owl – when my Grandpa retired, he took up wood carving and wood burning, mostly birds. Until it became too painful for him to carve, he made probably a hundred different birds, and countless cars, trucks, and baby doll beds that he donated to children’s charities. My Grandma painted the majority of the pieces, painstakingly, layer by layer, though my favorites are the ones showcasing the beauty of natural wood. In addition to the owl, the duck, and the eagle I showed you before, I have a bufflehead duck that rests on my desk and two small geese.

The Birdcage Head – I bought this at my favorite gallery in Portland – The Guardino (which is still there – YAY!). I always loved the assortment of pieces there, in every size and price range. I realize now that I was attracted to this because it’s a bit like me – kinda bird-brained (see the crow below).

The Woman, the Geisha, the Succulent – Painted by Jamee Linton. No other artist is represented more than Jamee. We have nine pieces, not only because we LOVE her work, but because she is a dear friend. We met when I fell in love with the Succulent at Last Thursday on Alberta in Portland, more than a dozen years ago. I didn’t have the money to pay for it and asked if I could e-mail her to get it another time. She eyed me doubtfully, but we exchanged addresses anyway. The following weekend, we went to her apartment, met her mean cat, and bought the painting. It’s been an honor and a pleasure, both to be friends and see her work evolve.

The Cross – If you’ve been around a while, you know that I am not at all religious. My Grandparents and Great Aunt Mary were devout Catholics, and Aunt Mary (the holiest and sweetest woman I have EVER known) would have become a nun had she not returned home to care for her ailing brothers. The cross was in the hallway of my Grandparents house (which they shared with Aunt Mary for the last twenty years of her life) for as long as I can remember (until it came home with me). It is exquisite and blessed by Pope John Paul II (or maybe Paul VI?), with beautiful and teeny tiny mosaic work. It reminds me of the three of them, living happily together, and the best parts of organized religion.

The Red Flowers – Painted by my Great Aunt Mary. Mostly known for her crochet, for which she had MAD skills, it was a surprise to learn that she had once dabbled with paint. She’d do that sometimes, tell an off-color story, cackle wildly, down a Long Island Iced Tea.

The Crow – Have I ever told you that the Crow is my spirit animal? It’s true. Learn about them, and you’ll learn about me.

Napoleon – My favorite megalomaniac! My Dad is 100% responsible for my love for him. He loves war strategy, and Napoleon was particularly genius at it, so he discussed it often. I bought this print and the Crow etching on a tour of artist studios with my dear friend, Lori, an artist in her own right.

Carved Roses – Just like the cross, this was on the wall at my Grandparents until I brought it home to mine. I have always loved it.

Orange Map – No ordinary map, it is hand cut AND of our old neighborhood in Bellevue, Pennsylvania. If you were to visit, I could point to the exact location of our house on Euclid Avenue.

Red Painting – I won this at a charity auction!

And now, a playlist, all my favorite artists in one place:

Visions of Johanna – Bob Dylan

From the Same Hill – Brian Eno

They Can’t Take That Away From Me – Ella Fitzgerald

Summer Wind – Frank Sinatra

Naima – John Coltrane

Shadowplay – Joy Division

That’s the Way – Led Zeppelin

I Loves You, Porgy – Miles Davis

I Grieve – Peter Gabriel

Goodbye Blue Sky – Pink Floyd

Daydreaming – Radiohead

Let It Bleed – The Rolling Stones

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