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“On the Rocks” French Mountain Cottage


Enosburg Falls


Welcome to The Northeast Kindgom of Vermont. Verdant rolling hills, farm after farm, sweet small towns with cow splat contests, and some of the nicest people around. They make hard cider and smoke meat and fish with corn cobbs. They have sugar shacks in dense maple forests and covered bridges spanning trout-filled rivers. Three thousand miles away, yet it feels like home.

This post is dedicated to Rupert. A very Good Man.

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It started with a frog near a rented cottage in the Vermont countryside, rather, a chorus of of frogs. The house had a pond filled with them. They greeted us in the darkness when we arrived, loose and jangly like guitar strings, and would croak and sing at all hours, perched on lilly pads and hidden among reeds and grass. They hopped to safety when we got too close, save this single one, the tiniest we saw, eyes dazzling gold coins, and entirely mute, despite our protestations.

We made friends with Herman the Moss Man while eating tiny blackberries gleaned from patches nestled in forested hedgerows, talking about nothing at all.

We swam in Lake Mephremagog and gathered with new “old” friends on an anchored platform, bouncing and bobbing, voices booming and laughing, bodies stretching and baking in the afternoon sun.

We met a bearded captain, bronzed and shirtless, with a beautiful boat made from wood felled in his own forest. His hands were meant for sailing.

We cruised the lake in a fast boat, thrumming and warm with happiness.

We heard loons and watched the sunset.

We ate simple food and roasted marshmallows over a blazing fire, bringing out the child in all of us.

We sipped cool drinks and told stories and reminisced.

And with all my soul, I felt the specialness, the gratitude, the awe, of knowing this was one of the best days of my life.

If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.

Alfred Tennyson

For my grandparents, on their Sixty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary.

Oh, how I love you both!





Some people never go crazy.

What truly horrible lives they must live.

Charles Bukowski


A tribute to the people who make my life less ordinary:

To Lori‘s clan, for openness, honesty, stellar conversation, and letting me pick the restaurants.

To Jeff, who is willing to pretend to urinate in public for my amusement,

 and treat me to whiskey and absinthe

with Rena, his superstar wife, in secret places.

To Ms. Card, for her laugh,

and Wendy, for childhood and Scratch-n-Sniff stickers and this very moment.

To Tim, for history.

To Mary and Michael, for more than I can say,

and a beautiful, hand-knitted shawl to keep me warm.

To Shane and Jef, for blurry, light-filled smiles that mean the world.

To Kelli and the joy of meeting you in person.

And this man, for the best years of my life.

And to everyone not pictured here, the talented, joyous, loving beings that you are. This is what matters. This moment that we have together, live and in-person or via virtual hug. You are glittering diamonds, the fabric of my soul.

How lucky I am to know you.

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