
You are currently browsing the archive for the Loving category.

I love…

Sunshine and Green Grass

Good Leftovers

Early Iris


Grapefruit Season

That Man!

And YOU – thanks for reading…

It feels pretty amazing to see a smile like that, and even more so when I know that it is meant for me.  The hubster and I enter our third decade together today, and I truly could not imagine a better partner.  He makes me laugh, smile, think, and count my myriad blessings.  He loves my failings more than I do, all the while inspiring me to believe, do, and be all that I can.

Thank you, Buddy.  Here’s to the decade to come!

Hello Everyone!  Hello Jimmy!

Welcome to the the final week of my campaign to be a guest on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.  I hope you enjoy the video.

Also, if you are so inclined, and I certainly hope that you are – lend me your support!  Leave a comment here on the blog, send Jimmy a Tweet (@jimmyfallon), or leave him a message on the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon Facebook page stating my guest worthiness.  I’d sure appreciate it!

Oh, and please, please, please vote in your local elections.  Our voices, in no small part, are what make this democracy great!


1955 Buick:



1968 Camaro

I’m pretty sure the Walton’s drove this truck –



I can’t remember the year (1940-ish?), but how about the beautiful chrome?

1962 Falcon.  A friend of mine drove one in high school.  Complete with backfires and a muffler that occasionally dragged and threw up wild sparks, hers was much less glam.




Yet, utterly and completely perfect.

1940 Pontiac


Sweet Bunny Love:

Baby Goat

Are you talking to me?

A wee family of mice made from potatoes, carrots, chives, cloves, and beans.

Mark with Segovia the Llama

Ahh, the State Fair.  I would love to kiss the person who invented the institution, for there are few activities that I enjoy more.  It’s a magical combination of earth, animals, food, and gaiety, all that is important and essential in life in one place.  My spirits cannot help but be buoyed and soothed, despite the crowds and lively organized chaos of it all.

Though Willie didn’t make an appearance this year, it was no less splendid for these two urbanites, as there was so much to occupy the hours.  First on the list, food, and more specifically deep fried.  For it isn’t a true fair experience without the hiss and splatter of hot oil, indeed.  We had corn dogs and a giant elephant ear, though it wasn’t THE giant.  How people manage that one, I cannot fathom.  Then there was a heavenly smoked barbecued sandwich, accompanied by sweet spicy beans and tangy slaw.  We topped it all off with cheesy kettle corn and the soothing quiet necessary from over stimulation.  People! Cars!  Rides! Food! People! Quilts! Crafts! Animals! People!

As usual, 4-H was the highlight for us.  There is something very special about these kids.  Fearless, patient, proud, and so down to earth, I could talk to them about living on a farm, raising animals, and life in general all day (though I know better – they have work to do!).  Which brings me to this last photo.  Mark and his sister Suzie (I wish I had a photo of her – she’s got lashes to rival any llama!) are the children of friends we’ve known since first moving to Oregon.  They epitomize everything I love about 4-H.  They are whip smart, highly interested and educated, and never seem to tire of ignorant city slickers like me asking all kinds of questions, smiling and laughing even, taking everything in stride.  Like when Segovia decided during the middle of the obstacle course that it was time to take care of business, number one and two, Mark patiently waited, never ruffling – calm, cool, collected until the job was done.  Gotta love that – and the fair!


Well hello there friends –

I am not about to beat around the bush on this one, no way, no how.  What do you think?  Do you like it? I hope so, because I really, really do.

After all of that writing about it, I decided that if I am a Writer (notice me embracing that capital W), I better start acting like one.  Step one, business cards.  Super duper lovely and ever-so-Colleen style business cards.  Many, many thanks to Marty of Bartleby’s Letterpress Emporium (how perfect that the shop shares the name, though certainly not the demeanor of one of my favorite literary figures, too).  Ever so kind, patient (if you hadn’t noticed, I am a bit fussy), and supportive, not to mention her phenomenal talent with a letterpress brought this girl to tears, even though I promised her I wouldn’t.  Not a bad promise to break, if one must, after all.  They turned out exactly how I imagined they would:  the heavy cotton, that beautiful texture, our our humble red roofed abode (drawn by me).  They are perfect.  By the by, if you live here in Stumptown and love fine paper goods, do pay her a visit.  Her printed cards are exquisite, really.  The shop is just a charming place to wander, too.

Okay, getting to the second step now, full speed ahead.  I will also be attending the Willamette Writers Conference in August where I hope to wow someone into representing me.  So, for the next month, I will be polishing  my manuscript, honing my elevator speech, typing up dazzling query letters, and generally believing that I can do this.  You know what the wonderful part is?  I am not afraid.  I am ready.  I am worthy.  I am talented.  I am a good writer and a terrific person.  Why wouldn’t someone want to represent me?  Okay, I just ventured into Jack Handey territory, but that’s okay too.  I am among friends!

So, a start.  I hope you will join me on my journey.

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