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Hi everyone –

Thanks so much for your kind words over the past few days.  I am feeling better.  Sometimes meltdowns are necessary, yes, totally.

Now, as the Monty Python boys would say, “For something completely different,” or, maybe “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!”

I was visiting the Angry Chicken blog the other day and she mentioned Land’s End and how, now that she’s old enough not to care, she can say how much she likes their Canvas line.  It’s funny, because I had been contemplating a post about my love for all things Land’s End for quite some time, but didn’t have the balls to put it out in public like that.  With all the positive words I read in her comments, I decided to declare myself.  Here’s why: I am a classic preppy girl at heart, and they really deliver in this department, and at  fantastic prices.  Sign up for their deals online and you get free shipping (not all the time, but I haven’t had to pay for it in quite a while) and some pretty sweet discounts (25% off sometimes – hard to beat).  Men’s TALL sizes – the hubster need not expose his belly to the world!  I also love that you can buy through the catalog and return items through your local Sears – no return shipping!  Their customer service is awesome, via phone or chat online.  They also truly believe in their products, don’t have those awful final sales, and will take items back any time, like forever. I’m sold.  Here’s a few photos to show you.

As well, any time you decide to watch America’s Next Top Model and want to laugh at some of the awful looks the ladies give, know that this standing in front of the camera business is hard.  Oh goodness, did I ever take a lot of pictures and resorted to goofy faces out of a singular desire to get it done before the sun went down.  Sheesh.

I’m wearing the Canvas line Cotton Lawn Shirt.  I love it so much that I have it in Navy, too.  The pants are Women’s Heritage Chinos in Navy.  The button detail is fantastic.  I also adore the fact that they will hem the pants to the length you want at no extra charge.  I love short pants, and I cannot lie!  I opted for a 26″ inseam.

The cute anchor necklace.  I am also a rather big fan of nautical themes.

I’m wearing my worst inquisitive look, but whatever, the shirt is Canvas Gingham Poplin in Navy.  Navy cardigan from J. Crew last year.  Bag is the Garment Washed Ragtop Tote.  Shoes Cole Haan.

I’m screaming in horror at what I’m doing!  Short Sleeve Aqua-Terra Rash Guard Shirt.

All the skin is so bright!  Beach Living Mini Dots Bikini.  It makes me feel like a 50’s bombshell…

Sleeveless Jersey Cover-Up in Navy.  It has pockets!  The sandals are from last year.

Enough already!  Shirred Front Dress.  More pockets!


Have I ever told you about how the hubster and I share a preternatural ability for wanting the same thing at the very same time?  And not just once in a blue moon, either.  It is a rather regular occurrence and doesn’t stem from nineteen years of being a couple – it’s happened all along.  The most memorable and thrilling example occurred rather early in our relationship.  We’d been dating for a few months, and I knew, deep in my heart of hearts, that this man was IT, I-T, IT, so, as we were lying in bed one morning, I asked him to marry me.  Never one to lose his temper, and much to my surprise, he slammed his fist on the bedside table and said, “I was just going to ask YOU!”  We laughed, kissed, and hugged, and knew we were off to a great start.  The same goes for moving to Oregon.  I got it in my mind that we should leave Colorado.  Lo and behold, on the very afternoon I decided to tell the hubster, he came into our apartment and said, “I think we should move.”  Magic.

So, it should come as no surprise that we were both itching to go for a drive in the country this past weekend, to do a little something different, decide to eat at one restaurant, hear about another equally enticing one and (without mentioning a word so as not to disappoint the other) want to eat at said establishment rather than the first, only to discover that the first restaurant was closed for a private party, and we both got what we wanted again (insert giggles and smiles here).  Life really is grand, especially when you are on the same wavelength.

McMinnville, our delightful destination, is a neat town or maybe city?  It has a population of 32,762 (I am trusting the sign and my memory of it are both correct), with some great architecture and restaurants.  Being in Oregon wine country, there are lots and lots of places in town to sample the delicious fruits of their labor.  As serendipity would have it, we just so happened to be there on the monthly art walk and wine tasting, buying a bottle of Coelho Pinot Noir and some blackberry honey, too.

A clever and beautiful arrangement of flowers.

I think he liked it.

La Rambla – Tapas for dinner.

Our beautiful dining partner.

I prefer his company.

Time to go!


Of all modern notions, the worst is this:

Domesticity is dull.  Inside the home, they say, is dead decorum and routine; outside is adventure and variety.  The truth is that the home is the only place of liberty, the only spot on earth where a man (ahem, and a woman) can alter arrangements suddenly, make an experiment, or indulge in a whim.  The home is not the one tame place in a world of adventure; it is the one wild place in a world of rules and tasks.

G. K. Chesterton

Family Snapshots

As per usual on a whirlwind trip to Denver, we spend a lot of time with the family and take many photos, too, though not enough – we didn’t get a single one of the hubster’s parents, my cousin Steph, Angela (who also cut my hair while I was there), brother Aaron, Uncle Phil, Brad, or Aunt Mari – sigh.  Anyhoo, these are my maternal grandparents, Marv and Tess (they look so serious – but I assure you, we laughed a lot!).  If you recall, Greg and I drove them to New Mexico last year to visit Grandpa’s sister Shirley.  It is always a pleasure to stay with them, much like the sleep overs I had when I was a kid.  Grandpa made his famous silver dollar pancakes (yummy) and we all chatted and ate, watched television (they are major sports fans), solved puzzles, and I hunted things down in the service room.  They also let me borrow their car, which was so nice!

My cousin Allison and her adorable girls Andee, Emmeri, and Rylnn (I hope I spelled them all correctly).  Though she is a married adult with a fine home, my mind can’t seem to get think of her as anything but my little cousin.  Weren’t we just playing Barbies and reading Little House on the Prairie books?  Oh wait, that was just me and her kids.  I digress!

We’re at my cousin Brad’s lovely house now.  He’s showing off some of the peppers grown in backyard garden.  This was a tiny portion of the abundance.

Daddy and Mom – they are still a cute couple after forty-one years of marriage, I must say.

My brother Chris eating his cheesecake.  We spent the afternoon together romping around the Highland Neighborhood and stopped at a rather quaint cheese shop for a little sustenance for the evening’s festivities.  We were happily discussing the merits of cultured milk when the cute saleswoman said, “You’ve got to be brother and sister, right?”  I guess it’s pretty obvious, even when it isn’t to us.  After I took this photo, he teased, “You got one picture of me, and I’m alone eating cake!”  Yep!  At least he wasn’t in the corner swilling wine from the bottle.

This is pretty neat, nearly the whole gang, save me taking photos and Chris eating cake, singing at the player piano (the original karaoke).  Brad inherited it from his mother, my Dad’s sister Bev, when she died, gosh, I think it was five years ago.  Unfortunately, or maybe not, it isn’t electrified, so you have to pump with your feet as you play.  As it is also quite old, the baffles aren’t what they used to be, so it is a serious job to keep it going.  My cousin sang his heart out while his feet were getting physical, physical!  It was a sweet time for all of us, singing a wild assortment of fun tunes from the past, “The Rose” and “The Rainbow Connection” being my favorites.

Our happy hosts, Brad and his sweet partner Jeff, who is a terrific cook.  We had delicious flank steak, spinach salad, and scrumptious risotto, thanks to his mad skills in the kitchen.  I must also note the importance of the background here.  My aunt Bev was a bit eccentric.  She spun her own wool, even collecting cat hair from hither and yon to make it extra soft.  She also served rattlesnake for dinner, rode a motorcycle, mixed nail polish into wild new colors, and, as you can see, macrame-d her heart out.  This is just one of the examples, also taken from their Casper, Wyoming home after she died.  It is floor to ceiling and incorporates a hodgepodge of ephemera important, or, perhaps, just useful, to her at the time.  It is quintessentially Bev and a treasure of a memory to have on the wall.

By the by – this is post 250!  As the Grateful Dead sing so well, “What a long, strange trip it’s been…”  Thanks for reading, my friends.

Here are the reasons why our trip to Denver included so much talking and driving, the reasons why it is always so, for that matter.  Whenever we head back to Colorado, we, quite literally, fill our days with special people.  This trip was no exception, driving hither and yon to catch up with friends from the present and past.  Though acquaintances from the past played an even larger role this trip, as Facebook has brought us back in touch with the multitudes from our school days.

Unfortunately, the hubster was only with me on the first leg of the trip, as he doesn’t have much time off from Boyd’s just yet (March 9th, I’ve got my eye on you!).  Pictured with him are Lance and Eric (all with such handsome baby faces!), good friends from junior high and high school.  The trio played on the tennis team together, and Eric was the best man at our wedding.  This was the start to my super sore throat, as we easily chatted, ate, and drank the evening away at Lance’s former place of employment, Riever’s.   Thanks fellas!

If you’ve been with me for a while, you may remember a certain jerk I referred to back in this post.  Well folks, here he is.  “That Tim Brown,” as my dad used to say.  We got re-acquainted on Facebook late last year, oddly enough, at the hubster’s urging, as I was a bit weary.  I know – the man is a gem.  Anyhoo, we had a fantastic time, gabbing away, eating at my favorite Greek restaurant – Pete’s Central One, spending the afternoon at the awesome Denver Art Museum (love the architecture –  the old from my memory as well as the new, a delightful assortment of sharp angles and lines), and enjoying a cool drink and some crisps at Pints Pub.  A very fine day among friends, indeed.

Here’s another fella I’ve talked about before, Steve White, my longest lasting school crush.  We also chatted like mad, zipping through our personal histories of the past twenty-one years.  It turns out I was right about him, too.  All those math skills and not asking me to be his girlfriend translated into a life full of contentment and success with a lovely wife, adorable son, a passion for cooking, and a career in advertising.  I could not be happier for him.

Finally, some ladies!  Stacy and Kari.  We have yet to figure out why we weren’t best friends in high school, as we have so very much in common.  One of those mysteries of youth, I suppose.  We spent our time at one of the best independent book stores in the world, with one of the best names, as well, The Tattered Cover, and their adjoining, and quite delicious restaurant, Encore.  Of course we chatted gaily, and laughed at each other’s expense, and reveled at how marvelous it is to be in touch again.

This lovely portion of my visit was the one I never thought would happen.  Dear Maura, on the left, has a very busy and demanding job that takes her to all points in the Denver-Metro area.  Luckily, the stars aligned and we met, along with Chrissie (who shares my passion for yoga, even teaching it) and her cutie pie of a son Sam at a shopping center in Arvada.  Oh, the places you’ll go!  I know I sound like a broken record, but we delighted in each other’s fine company, as well, and laughed at all the people wanting an Einstein Bagel.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many desperate souls banging on doors after closing time.  Seriously people, it’s just a bagel.

And now, for the big night!  This was the large, though not as large as we’d hoped, group of fine folks from Arvada High School, former home of the Redskins, now just the Reds, as, well, you know, it isn’t terribly kind or PC to say such things.  Ignorance was bliss back then.  This is Ann (my best friend in first and second grade – more about her later), Karen, and Mike.  They’ve all turned out to be such exceptional people.  I am proud to know them.

This is a sweet story – Garrett and Adina secretly liked each other in ninth grade and even shared a dance way back when.  Now they are long-distance sweethearts (she lives in Nebraska) after quite a rough and tumble divorce for Adina.  It’s nice to see something wonderful happening between them!

Hello Jessica and Don!  Jessica and I shared a passion for the color black (no pastels for us!) and clove cigarettes in high school, smoking and enjoying infectious chatter at Paris on the Platte in days gone by.  I am happy to say the chatter is just as infectious as ever – she is a good friend.  As for Don, we used to read to each other during our free period in high school.  He was (and still remains) Tim’s best friend, thus serving as interpreter and go-between in our rather complicated relationship.  Bless his heart, he’s one of the kindest men I shall ever know.

The whole gang, including Mike’s terrific wife Erica on the far right.  It was a highly satisfactory evening for reminiscing  and getting to know the people we are today!

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