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May day! May day! The first time I heard any variation of that expression was on the Hardy Boys Mysteries on TV as a kid. Man, did I love that show, and Parker Stevenson. He was pretty good eye candy, drove a cool van, and was super smart! Oh dear, what a TV baby I was. The handsome G-Man was, too, though we didn’t watch the same shows. Until meeting him, I grudgingly watched any sort of Star Trek (only liking when Spock was on screen), for instance. Now, I quote it, “Earl Grey, hot,” and “Make it so, Number One,” while wishing for a Holodeck in the basement, among other things. Love holds very mysterious powers, my friends, indeed.

And love him, I do. How could I not? He likes art and picked out the Suitcase painting! He looks good in glasses! He builds sheds! He is a computer genius! He is good with children (a fun sleepover with our little friend last night) and cats and people, with a particular fondness for a petite sassafras named Colleen Sohn. Lucky, lucky me.


This is what my life looks like sometimes, with bi-focals.  The yellow I’m working on is a cowl for me, now finished and cozy, but in need of a hat and some matching hand warmers, no fingers, so I can take pictures and be touchy-feely.  I’m on the hunt for just the right patterns.

I have also learned after making three cowls in a week, it is hard to watch television or a movie without the click click of needles in my hands.  I feel sooo still.

p.s. My cats look huge!



Happy Tuesday Peeps.

I finished the cowl!  Good for hiding, goofing, and warming.  I am uber (no, I did not mean Buber?!) pleased at the results, my first successful knitting project, huzzah!  Here’s what I did if you’d like to replicate:

Cast on 32 sts (or another multiple of 8 ) on number 11 (8mm) needles, then knit and purl until it’s the length you like.  Cast off and sew the ends together.  Take goofy photos.  Be happy.  Repeat, if desired.

I hope this is obvious, but just in case, repeat each set of directions until the end of the row.

Row 1: P1, K7

Row 2 and 8: K1, P5, K1, P1

Row 3 and 7: K2, P1, K3, P1, K1

Rows 4 and 6: P2, K1, P1, K1, P3

Row 5: K4, P1, K3

The photos remind me, I am nearly ready for the big bathroom reveal!  About time, huh?  Thanks to one set of crapper-doodle plumbers (and a good one to fix them all), this is the project that goes on and on till the break of dawn.  But we are nearly there, for reals!  I will be putting up art this weekend and then turning the den of the porcelain throne into a major paparazzi center.  Stay tuned…

Oh, and I thought I would share a photo of my favorite bicycle commuter.  Surprise!  I am waiting for you cutie pie.  Now gimme a kiss!

Wait, wait!  One more thing, click here for the awesome Jimmy Fallon singing, a la Doors, the theme song to Reading Rainbow.  The man is awesome…


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See everything; overlook a great deal; correct little.

Pope John XXIII


This is true happiness: to have no ambition and to work like a horse as if you had every ambition. To live far from men, not to need them, and yet to love them. To have the stars above, the land to your left, and the sea to your right, and to realize all of a sudden that in your heart, life has accomplished its final miracle: it has become a fairy tale.

Nikos Kazantzakis


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