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I love this beautiful planet of ours, and I do my very best to be a good steward of the land I occupy, always striving to make one more change for that seventh generation.  I’m hoping you are too.

But, as I am never satisfied, I’m wanting us all to do more.  Would you look at the list below and find one item that you aren’t already doing and give it a try for Mother Earth?  I’d appreciate it, and so would she. 

  • Rethink your purchases – Do you really need it? How far did it travel to get to you?  Is it made from sustainable materials?
  • Buy a clothes line or drying rack.  Dry one load a week this way (or more if you can).
  • Use cloth napkins at home.
  • Skip the paper towels and use cloth.
  • Eat at least one vegetarian meal a week.
  • Compost your fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and tea bags. 
  • Turn your thermostat to 58 degrees when you sleep.  Throw on an extra blanket.
  • Buy locally and organic.
  • Replace one incandescent light bulb (that’s not on a dimmer) with a flourescent bulb.
  • When you leave a room, turn off the light.
  • Unplug appliances when not in use.
  • Check your home’s insulation levels, add more if possible/necessary.
  • Done it all?  Yeah!  Or just want more ideas?  Click here.

Here’s what our household pledges to do:

  • Rethink our purchases.
  • Insulate our home (we’ve got pretty much zero!).
  • Buy organic cotton t-shirts.  Research other affordable organic clothing.  I’m not keen on paying $200 for a pair of jeans or a blouse.


A sense of humor is very important.  Take this photo for instance.  I know that I don’t actually look glamorous, but I can pretend that I do, even in this get-up.  Get-up, now that’s an expression I’ve never typed before.  It looks a little funny.  Anyway, I call it my John Travolta outfit.  It reminds me of the white suit he wore in Saturday Night Fever, minus the mud stained bottom and paint drips, of course. 

I wore this a couple of weekends ago when I was helping the dear hubster take off the vinyl siding that the previous owners put on half of the house.  A little FYI here for all you home owners.  It is much better, and cheaper to pay to have the whole house painted than put vinyl siding on half of it.  I swear

As I was saying, it was awfully cold outside (the weather not matching the orginal forecast when planning this monstrous task), and I knew that this outfit would keep me warm and free of icky debris.  It did the trick, while also slowing traffic in front of our home.  Here is a simulated dialogue:

“Oh my gosh honey, slow down!  But not too much, we don’t want to call attention to ourselves.” 

“What on earth?  Is that a man or a woman?  And what on earth is it wearing?”

“Crap, I think it saw us, speed up, speed up!”

Back to that sense of humor.  Had I not been graced with a very healthy one, I would not be able to laugh at myself while wearing this outfit,  cope with life’s difficulties, or write blog posts about Hans and Sven. 

Life is good!

When Martin Luther King, Jr. died on April 4th 1968, I was three years from being born.  As a white girl, living in a predominantly white neighborhood, I would only be scarcely aware of his existence until I bought my favorite U2 album The Unforgettable Fire in 1984.  Despite this pathetic history, he is ever present in my life now, providing me with a shining example of goodness, bravery, intelligence, and wisdom. 

There is rarely a day that passes that I do not think of him and find inspiration in his deeds and words.  Through them I find my own strength and courage.  Here are just a few: 

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

“The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined non-conformists who are dedicated to justice, peace, and brotherhood.”

“On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’  Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’  And Vanity comes along and asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’  But Conscience asks the question ‘Is it right?’  And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right.”

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

“The strong man holds in a living blend strongly marked opposites. The idealists are usually not realistic, and the realists are not usually idealistic. The militant are not generally known to be passive, nor the passive to be militant. Seldom are the humble self-assertive, or the self-assertive humble. But life at its best is a creative synthesis of opposites in fruitful harmony. The philosopher Hegel said that truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in the emergent synthesis which reconciles the two.”

This is me now, sending a little prayer out for peace and happiness to all.  Infinite blessings upon your path…

In January, after one of my quarterly trips Buffalo Exchange to sell and donate clothes, I had an epiphany.  If I “am” my possessions, why am I constantly getting rid of them?

What does that say about me?  “I am constantly getting rid of me?”  Why do I have so much of myself that I don’t need?  Which brought me to the next question – what, in life, do I really need?

I’m sure you already know the answers.  So, then and there, I made a decision to do something that I previously considered radical.  I would not buy any clothes until June.  I love clothes! 

Then, after looking at the giant pile of other miscellaneous junk waiting to be chauffered off to the Goodwill, Gregory and I decided together to not make any purchases, besides necessities, for our entire household until June.  No clothes, no shoes, no gadgets, no art, no CD’s.  Zip, zilch, nada!

Our start date was February first, and, with the exception of an Easter Lily ($6.49 at Trader Joe’s – brain fart!), we have kept our word.  It’s been really exciting, not just to see the savings add up, but to know that we can set a limit and stick to it.  

By my calculations, after a couple years of whining that we didn’t have the money, we’ll have enough to reupholster some chairs that are in dire need (darn kitty claws).  Who knows what other seemingly monumental task will be within our grasp?  I can’t wait to find out!

The picture is what our garden looks like in June, full of flowers and lush greenery.  Right now, there are some weeds and a few sprouts.  I think I forget that we already have all we need – with a little patience, the blooms reveal themselves!

I first began practicing yoga about eight years ago.  I dabbled with different videos and “live”classes, but was never very serious, at least, not until I discovered Shiva Rea.

My introduction to Shiva Rea was with the Yoga Shakti video on Amazon about two years ago.  I was immediately intrigued by the possibility of creating my own practice by selecting from the different series of vinyasas on the yoga matrix.  Since then, I have also added the Fluid Power Vinyasa Flow and the Creative Core Abs to my collection.  Each DVD gives me myriad possibilities for my practice, including degree of difficulty and length.

However, the best part about the videos is Shiva herself: strong, graceful, and powerful.  She radiates peace, love, and joy.  I find myself inspired by her, learning to approach yoga in a completely different way by connecting my practice and my life.  Before Shiva, I was “doing” yoga, but here, I feel myself evolving and actually “being” each of the asanas, all while growing stronger, too.  It is really quite wonderful.

It is funny, too, I created the title for this entry before deciding that I wanted to include a picture of Shiva, so when I did my Google search, I found her website and it is called Shiva Rea: Yoga as Conscious Evolution.  Kind of an interesting coincidence isn’t it?  Her presence in my life extends far beyond my practice.

Who knows?  Maybe one day, we’ll even meet.  Until then, thank you Shiva.  Infinite blessings upon your path…

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